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Seton Hall University

Social Media Guidelines and Procedures

Table of Contents



Seton Hall University’s Social Media Procedures and Guidelines are intended to help Seton Hall University community utilize social media in a responsible manner. These protocols differentiate between personal and institutional voices, so that members of the University community help safeguard and enhance the University’s brand and reputation.

Employees not directly tasked with social media responsibilities should consult with both the Chief Social Media Officer and Digital Accessibility Officer within the Division of University Relations before engaging in social media on behalf of the University.

The University aims to present a unified voice in official communications, accurately convey the University’s mission, and protect the University’s reputation. To this end, these procedures and guidelines outline specific requirements for staff, faculty, and students regarding the use of social media sites that aim to represent the University or its schools, departments, or other groups.

The Division of University Relations holds the ultimate authority over all University social media accounts, ensuring that all digital communications align with the University’s strategic objectives, mission, and ethical standards.



The procedures and guidelines set forth the requirements for the Seton Hall University community members who are authorized to engage in social media in an official capacity. This protocol also sets forth prohibitions with respect to misconduct involving personal social media accounts.

  1. Disclaimers

    1. No one except approved individuals through official Seton Hall University social media accounts are authorized to speak on behalf of the University.
    2. No statements, conduct, activity, engagement, interaction, photographs, pictures, visual depictions, videos, recordings, sounds, links, or any other electronic communications shall be attributable to Seton Hall University that are not posted on an official University social media account by an individual authorized to use such account on behalf of Seton Hall University.
    3. Seton Hall University specifically disclaims any endorsement of, responsibility for, or liability related in any way to the statements, conduct, activity, engagement, interaction, photographs, pictures, visual depictions, videos, recordings, sounds, links, or any other electronic communications made through any personal social media account by any member of the University community.
    4. Seton Hall University does not share the viewpoints or opinions shared by members of the University community through their personal social media accounts.
  1. Use of Social Media on behalf of Seton Hall University

    1. University Relations holds the ultimate authority over all Seton Hall University social media accounts, ensuring that all digital communications align with the University’s strategic objectives, ethical standards, and Catholic mission.
    2. All requests for a Seton Hall University social media account must be made through University Relations.
    3. All Seton Hall University social media accounts must be accessible to University Relations.
    4. All use of Seton Hall University social media accounts is strictly for University business purposes only – not for personal or private activities.
    5. Employees not directly tasked with social media responsibilities should consult with the Chief Social Media Officer and Digital Accessibility Officer within University Relations before engaging in any social media use on behalf of Seton Hall University.
    6. Administrative rights to social media profiles are reserved for University employees, requiring at least two (2) administrators to ensure consistent management, using a shared department email account. For platforms without individual profile passwords, the list of administrators should be reviewed annually.
    7. All social media use must comply with University policies, state and federal law, as well as with the policies of the particular social media platforms.
    8. No statements on behalf of Seton Hall University may be made through social media. Social media accounts may only link to or share official Seton Hall University statements.
    9. No one is permitted to disclose any confidential and/or proprietary information of Seton Hall University on social media. Any disclosure of confidential information is subject to the University’s Confidential Information Policy and the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy.
    10. Any use of the University name, logos, or trademarks must comply with the Branding Guide.
    11. Any content created and/or posted is subject to the University’s Copyright Ownership Policy and the Copyright Policy. Administrators are encouraged to link to official, vetted source material whenever possible.
    12. All media inquiries through social media or regarding a post related to Seton Hall University must be reported immediately to Media Relations.
    13. The University will not permit illegal, defamatory, or obscene content on any University social media account. University Relations’ Chief Social Media Officer will remove such content without notice.
    14. All official Seton Hall University social media accounts must adhere to these Social Media Procedures and Guidelines.
    15. Any photos published on an official University social media account where the subject can be recognized must comply with the University’s Photo Release Guidelines. When posting non-student photos, it is recommended that the administrator obtain written permission, which can be obtained through email or the photo release form. Administrators are not permitted to share any restricted-use photos.
    16. Any statements, conduct, or interactions on social media accounts which may violate University policy and/or the law must be reported to University Relations before addressing such content on social media. Any statements, conduct, or interactions that violate social media platform guidelines or terms of service should be reported to the respective social media platform.
    17. Any conduct that violates the University’s Policy Against Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation must be reported to the Office of EEO and Title IX Compliance. This includes incidents that occur on social media or that are reported via social media or direct messages. Additionally, University employees must report instances of discrimination or harassment to the Office of EEO and Title IX Compliance, including those identified through social media channels.
    18. Failure to adhere to these procedures and guidelines may result in the removal of the social media account and discipline as applicable.
  1. Personal Use of Social Media.

    1. Personal social media use may be construed as an extension of the workplace, classroom, or other site of the University in certain contexts. Remember that all conduct on personal social media accounts is subject to University policies, including but not limited to, the University’s Non-Hazing Policy, Non-Discrimination/Title IX Statement, Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation, and Policy Against Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Retaliation.
    2. No one may disclose any of Seton Hall University’s confidential and/or proprietary information on a personal social media account. No one may use Seton Hall University’s name or images for any proprietary use on a personal social media account.
    3. To the extent any member of the University community conveys an opinion or viewpoint on social media related to the University, they should make it clear that their viewpoint/opinion is their own personal viewpoint/opinion and that they are not speaking on behalf of the University.
    4. Seton Hall University is not responsible for any statements made through personal social media accounts.
    5. No one may create a personal social media account that creates the impression that it is an officially recognized Seton Hall University account without prior written authorization from the University as detailed in these procedures and guidelines.
    6. No one may speak on behalf of Seton Hall University without seeking prior written authorization from Seton Hall University.
    7. Employees should consult applicable employment policies regarding using social media personally while at work or on University-owned devices.
    8. To the extent any individual wishes to create a Seton Hall University group, profile, or fan page on any social media platform, they must first advise the Office of Web and Digital Communication Any groups associated with sports teams – varsity, club, or intramural, must also advise the Seton Hall University Department of Athletics.  Any alumni groups must also advise the Seton Hall University Office of Alumni Relations.
    9. These procedures and guidelines do not prohibit individuals from making any statements on or through their own personal social media account to the extent that it complies with University policy.
    10. These procedures and guidelines are superseded by provisions afforded to academic divisions by the Seton Hall University Faculty Guide.

Relevant Policies


The University encourages the use of social media to connect its community, including students, staff, alumni, and fans. The University aims to guide appropriate and responsible use of its official social media accounts, ensuring they align with legal standards and University policies. This approach facilitates vibrant discussions and shares information on University life, achievements, and events.

The Standards detailed below are in effect for anyone who participates in social media on behalf of the University in any way. Administrators of University social media accounts must also adhere to the policies of the social media platforms in which they participate. These policies on the various social media platforms (e.g., Meta, X, Google) are constantly changing, and the administrator must stay up to date.

Compliance with Laws and Policies: Official University social media accounts must follow state and federal law and University policies. They can only post public information and must avoid sharing sensitive and/or confidential data as defined by various laws and University policies. If such information is posted, it should be removed promptly and reported to University Relations immediately. Social media accounts should not be used to communicate business transactions, including credit card or payment information, educational records protected by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), medical records protected by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), or any other confidential information.

Free Speech and Content Moderation: The University supports free speech, but will not allow illegal, defamatory, or obscene content on its social media accounts. The University’s Chief Social Media Officer can remove such content without notice. To manage potentially inappropriate content on social media, administrators are advised to follow a collaborative and cautious approach before taking any action. This includes consulting with key departments such as University Relations, Office of General Counsel, or the Department of Public Safety to ensure a comprehensive situation assessment. If the content necessitates further action, it may be reported to the relevant social media platforms for review or, if necessary, escalate it to law enforcement or other appropriate authorities. This process ensures that any response is well-considered, legally compliant, and aligns with the University’s policies, mission, and reputation.

Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Accessibility Laws: All University social media use must respect intellectual property and copyright laws. Content, including photos, audio, and video, must not infringe on intellectual property or privacy rights, and must always adhere to federal copyright law and University policies. Administrators are encouraged to link to official, vetted source material whenever possible. This activity will reduce the spread of misinformation and drive traffic. All content must be accessible according to state and federal guidelines, with the responsibility for accessibility falling on the administrators.

Employee Use and Administration: Employees using social media must follow all relevant University policies and guidelines, including these Guidelines. Administrative rights to social media profiles are reserved for University employees (not temporary or seasonal employees), requiring at least two administrators to ensure consistent management. Such employees should use a shared department email. For social media platforms without individual profile passwords, the list of administrators should be reviewed annually. All University affiliated social media accounts must be requested through and accessible to University Relations. Use of official University social media accounts is permitted strictly for University purposes, avoiding personal or private activities.

University Statements: Do not make any statements through social media on behalf of the University. Only link to or share official University statements.
Branding and Photography: All official University social media profiles must adhere to the branding, visual identity, and configuration guidelines. Ensure all graphics, images, and videos comply with approved University branding standards. If the administrator intends to publish a photo on an official University social media profile where the subject can be recognized, they must comply with the University’s Photo Release Guidelines. When posting non-student photos, it is recommended that the administrator obtain written permission. This written permission can be accomplished with the photo release form referenced in the University's Photo Release Guidelines. Administrators are prohibited from sharing any restricted-use photos.


Profile Guide

Understanding the University's Social Media Guidelines is crucial before creating a new Seton Hall University social media profile. The process begins with seeking approval from the Division of University Relations, ensuring alignment with university standards and strategic goals.

Evaluating the Strategic Alignment for a New Social Media Profile

Before launching a new profile, evaluate the necessity and strategic alignment of a new social media presence. Carefully consider the following aspects to ensure a well-rounded and effective social media presence:

  • Goals and Objectives: Define what you hope to achieve with the new profile. Clear goals will guide your strategy and content.
  • Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive plan outlining how to achieve your objectives, including tactics and timelines.
  • Resources and Allocation: Verify that you have the necessary tools, staff, and resources to manage the profile effectively. Consider both content creation and ongoing management, including scheduling and interaction with followers.
  • Content Strategy: Plan your content carefully, ensuring you have enough engaging material for at least two months. This helps maintain active and consistent engagement with your audience.
  • Collaboration and Partnership: Explore opportunities for collaboration with existing profiles within the campus community. This can amplify your message and reach.
  • Audience Engagement: Determine the most effective channels to connect with your target audience. Social media may be a powerful tool, but it's important to consider other communication methods that could complement or surpass social media’s effectiveness for your specific goals.
  • Platform Selection: Evaluate which social media platforms best suit your content and audience. Not all platforms will be appropriate for every message or target demographic, so choose those that align with your strategic objectives and resources.
  • Success Measurement: Establish clear metrics for success to evaluate the impact of your social media efforts. This could include engagement rates, follower growth, content reach, and conversion rates.

Profile Setup Process

  1. Administrative Setup: Identify at least two permanent University employees as profile administrators to ensure consistent management.
  2. Department Email Address: Use a shared department email for registration, avoiding personal or single-user emails. If needed, create a dedicated account through the Department of Information Technology.
  3. Approval Request: Before setting up your profile, please submit an approval request to University Relations. You can expect to receive a decision—either approval or disapproval—within one week. In case of disapproval, our team will arrange a meeting to explore alternative solutions.

New Account Approval: Complete the Social Media Account Planner to obtain authorization from University Relations. This step is essential for your account to be recognized officially and included in the Seton Hall Social Media Registry.

All University accounts will be registered through the Sprout social media management system. In addition, all University Meta accounts must be managed through the University Meta Business Account, and all University Google accounts must be managed through the University Google Account.

Profile Names and Handles: Use clear and identifiable names for your profiles, distinguishing between display names (for identifying departments or colleges) and usernames (handles for social media platforms). Avoid using acronyms in display names unless space limitations apply. Include the full name in the profile bio if necessary. Incorporate "SetonHall" in usernames/handles for easier identification, ensuring readability by capitalizing the first letter of each word. Avoid using "SHU.”

Branding Standards for Social Media Profiles: All Seton Hall social media profiles must adhere to approved University branding standards to ensure a consistent and professional appearance.

Profile Picture:

Social Media Icon Example

Cover Photos: Choose a cover photo that complements your profile picture, adhering to recommended dimensions for high-quality display across devices. Follow the specific size recommendations for each platform to ensure your cover photo is displayed correctly.

Bios and Website Links: Your bio should succinctly describe your department or group, potentially including a relevant hashtag. Link to your specific college/department page on the Seton Hall website to give followers direct access to more information.

Birthdays in Bios: Designed for individual users, this feature can risk your brand profile's accessibility if misused. It's advised not to enter a birthday for your profile.

Unauthorized Pages: Any Seton Hall-related social media page not approved by University Relations is not deemed representative of Seton Hall in any way.


Requirements and Best Practices for Graphics, Photos and Videos

Use of Text in Graphics: Limit text in social media graphics to ensure clarity and visual appeal. Overly text-heavy graphics can be overwhelming and less accessible. For detailed information, use the post's caption or link to a website rather than crowding the graphic with text. Aim for simplicity to enhance engagement.

Integrating Photos: Graphics incorporating photos tend to be more engaging and blend seamlessly into social feeds filled with personal and professional photography. Opt for unique, interesting photos that capture attention. For stock images, use copyright-compliant sources to avoid copyright issues.

Alt Text Inclusion: Always add alt text to graphics to describe the visual content for those using screen readers or with visual impairments, making your content more inclusive.

QR Codes: Refrain from using QR codes in social media graphics since scanning them from a mobile device, where most social media is consumed, is impractical. Use direct links in your post instead.

Photo and Video Guidelines: Ensure all photos and videos posted comply with Seton Hall University’s Photo Release Guidelines. Embrace candid, dynamic shots with unexpected angles to convey authenticity. Portraits should appear natural and confident, with warm lighting to inspire. Action and group photos should reflect the University's vibrant community and aspirations. Seek approval for images featuring University leadership.

Video Content: Create videos that grab attention within the first second to retain viewer interest. Design content for silent viewing by including subtitles, considering the varied viewing habits on different social platforms.


Community Engagement and Interaction

Encouraged Engagement: Actively engaging with followers and the Seton Hall community through the University’s social media profiles you manage is recommended. Interactive dialogues in comments can enhance your profile's visibility and foster meaningful engagement.

Mindful Communication: When engaging online, it's important to maintain a voice and tone that reflects Seton Hall’s mission and values. Ensure your messages are clear and considerate to avoid misinterpretation and maintain positive interactions.

Free Speech Commitment: The University is committed to fostering an environment that respects and promotes academic freedom, free speech, and expression. We believe these principles are fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of our academic community. While not governed by the First Amendment, our policies are designed to uphold the spirit of open dialogue and the free exchange of ideas within our campus. It ensures that users' posts, comments, and messages that fall under this protection are not deleted and users are not unjustly blocked. Comment filtering should be disabled or set to the minimum to honor these rights.

Consultation Requirement: Administrators must seek guidance from the Division of University Relations and the Office of General Counsel before addressing content concerns on social media profiles. Actions against content that violates platform guidelines or terms of service should be referred to the respective social media platform.

Mandatory Reporting: University employees are required to report any incidents of sexual misconduct to the Seton Hall University Office of EEO and Title IX Compliance. This includes incidents reported via social media or direct messages. Additionally, certain employees must report instances of discrimination to the same office, including those identified through social media channels.

Guidelines for Crisis Situations: In times of crisis, share only the information posted by official Seton Hall University channels, such as Pirate Alert or messages. Create new posts only with authorization from University Relations.

Handling Negative Feedback: Should your department face a crisis or receive substantial negative feedback, consult with University Relations for advice. Avoid making unilateral statements on behalf of the University. Only official University statements should be shared (in the form of re-posting or links).

Dealing with Media Inquiries: If any media (including print, TV, radio, or online) contacts you regarding a post related to Seton Hall University, you must immediately inform Media Relations to respond. This ensures consistent and accurate communication with the public.

Guidance for Personal Social Media Accounts: Faculty and staff are encouraged to share knowledge in their areas of expertise, adhering to our Media Relations Guidelines. When expressing personal opinions with your University affiliation visible, clearly state that these views are yours alone and do not represent Seton Hall University. A suggested disclaimer is: "The views expressed here are my own and do not represent the views of Seton Hall University." Do not use the University's official names, seals, logos, or other protected materials on personal social media accounts. Additionally, titles or affiliations with Seton Hall (such as "dean," "coach," "professor") should not be used in your personal account names or handles (e.g., avoid using @SetonHallPresident, @SetonHallSwimmingCoach, etc.).

Considerations for University Leaders: Leaders and prominent figures within the University should be particularly cautious, as their posts might be perceived as representing official University positions. This awareness is crucial, especially when sharing content that could be associated with Seton Hall University.



Seton Hall University employs Sprout Social, a leading social media management system, to optimize our digital engagement strategies. This powerful tool enables us to register all University social media accounts and dive deep into the analytics of our social media operations.

We comprehensively view our social media landscape through metrics and analytics, monitoring and analyzing key metrics that matter to our community and institutional goals.

Why We Track: Tracking is not about numbers alone; it's about understanding the impact of our content, the preferences of our audience, and the overall effectiveness of our social media strategies. Key metrics such as engagement rates, audience growth, content reach, and conversion rates offer invaluable insights. These metrics help us:

  • Measure Engagement: Understand how our audience interacts with our content, fostering better connections.
  • Gauge Brand Expansion: Track follower increases to assess how our brand presence grows.
  • Evaluate Content Visibility: Determine the reach of our posts and identify how widely our message is spread.
  • Assess Conversions: See how effectively our social media activities encourage actions like applications or event attendance.

This data-driven approach allows us to refine our strategies, ensuring they align with Seton Hall's broader recruitment, branding, and communication objectives.

Leveraging Analytics for Strategic Impact: Our analytics tools extensively analyze our social media presence, presenting insights into audience preferences and trends and helping us understand our digital impact.

  • Tailored Content Strategy: By understanding customer preferences, we adapt our content to align with what engages our audience, ensuring we effectively meet their needs.
  • Trend Analysis: We keep our strategy dynamic by identifying and responding to market trends and positioning ourselves as leaders within our community and the broader digital landscape.
  • Impact Demonstration: Demonstrating the ROI of our social media initiatives allows us to underline their value, informing and guiding departmental strategies with concrete data.
  • Unified Analytics: Through cross-channel analytics, we comprehensively view our performance across platforms, enabling a unified and cohesive digital presence.
  • Insightful Reporting: Our custom reporting processes distill complex data into actionable insights, facilitating strategic refinement and sharing key findings with stakeholders.
  • Audience Insight: Employing social listening, we develop a deeper, emotionally intelligent connection with our audience, enhancing our strategy with nuanced understanding and empathy.



Digital accessibility is not just a requirement but a fundamental aspect of our communication efforts at Seton Hall. Our goal is to be inclusive and reach everyone who engages with our content, ensuring our communications are accessible to individuals with a broad range of abilities. This commitment aligns with state and federal regulations and is integral to our mission.

Guidelines for Enhancing Accessibility:

  • Alt Text for Images:
    • Always include alternative text ("alt text") with your images. This written description helps those using screen readers understand the image's content, ensuring they receive the full context of the post.
    • When writing alt text, provide a concise description of the image focusing on essential details such as the presence of people, activities, or important elements like clothing if relevant.
    • Aim for a balance in your description, avoiding overly lengthy text that could delay screen reader output.
  • Graphics with Text:
    • Avoid using graphics-heavy text, like print flyers, as they are difficult to read on smaller screens.
    • For better accessibility, use eye-catching graphics with minimal text and include the bulk of the information in the post's text or link to more detailed content on a website.
    • Ensure any text on graphics is also included in the alt text.
  • Video Captioning:
    • Include captions (or subtitles) on videos to make them accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and those who watch videos without sound.
    • Understand the difference between closed captions (able to be toggled on or off) and open captions (permanently visible on the video), and use them appropriately to enhance accessibility.
  • Capitalization for Readability:
    • In cases where social media requires combining multiple words without spaces, such as hashtags or usernames, capitalize the first letter of each word (e.g., use #SetonHall instead of #setonhall).
  • Stylizing Text:
    • Custom fonts and stylizations (bold, italics) are not universally supported across social media platforms and can make text less accessible.
    • Avoid using special characters to mimic these effects, as they can be inaccessible to screen readers and individuals with visual impairments.

By adhering to these guidelines, Seton Hall community members can ensure their social media content is accessible and inclusive, reflecting our commitment to a broad and diverse audience.