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Seton Hall University

Notable Faculty Scholarship

2015 Selected Scholarly Works

Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics
Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics (Ed.) Routledge Religion, Society and Government in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet States Series, New York and Oxford: Routledge c/o Taylor & Francis, Inc., September, (2015)
Ines A. Murzaku, Ph.D., Department of Catholic Studies

Mad Libs and Stupid Critics
Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 46 (1), 325-338, (August 2015)
Jonathan Farina, Ph.D., Department of English

Physicalist Soteriology in Hilary of Poitiers
Vigiliae Christianae Supplements 130. Leiden; Boston: Brill, (2015)
Ellen R. Scully, Ph.D., School of Theology

Listening to Advice: Assessing the External Impact of IMF Article IV Consultations of the United States, 2010-2011
International Studies Perspectives, 16:3, 312-326., (August 2015)
Martin S. Edwards, Ph.D., School of Diplomacy and International Relations

Alfred Loisy and les Mythes Babyloniens: Loisy’s Discourse on Myth in the Context of Modernism
Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte, 21(1), 90-105, (June 2015)
Jeffrey L. Morrow, Ph.D., School of Theology

Co-Speech Gesture Input as a Support for Language Learning in Children with and without Early Language Delay
Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 22, 61-71, (April 2015)
Nina C. Capone Singleton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
Jessica Saks MS

Spinoza’s Use of the Psalms in the Context of His Political Project Interdisciplinary
Journal of Research on Religion, 11, 1-18, (March 2015)
Jeffrey L. Morrow, Ph.D., School of Theology