Testing, Quarantine and Tracing
Friday, September 11, 2020
With the conclusion of the work of the Re-Opening Operations Team (ROOT) we resume regular Health Intervention and Communication Team (HICT) communications to keep you apprised of health and safety information throughout our University's campuses.
We finish our third week of classes grateful for all of your efforts to promote a safe and enjoyable semester. With Seton Hall's investment of over $7 million in campus environmental safety enhancements, and your personal commitment to the Seton Hall Pledge, our semester is off to a promising start.
We must remain ever-vigilant, so please be mindful of your actions and the actions of those around you as we continue our Fall 2020 journey together.
Testing, Quarantine and Tracing
Testing has been a prominent topic through higher education as campuses reopen. Seton Hall tested each resident student upon arrival at the start of the semester. Over 1,800 tests have been administered to date.
In addition to the tests already conducted, Health Services is providing testing to any student who requests a test and is symptomatic, providing an important level of reassurance for students who may not be feeling well.
Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 or who is identified as a contact of someone who has tested positive is required to isolate (for the person who tests positive) or to quarantine (for the person who is identified as a contact.) We have set aside Ora Manor for isolation and quarantine use. Tracing is conducted by local health officials who may be assisted by Health Services.
We remain in regular contact with South Orange Village health officials, holding weekly meetings, sharing information, and coordinating efforts. We are also in contact with Newark and Nutley/Clifton and Essex County health officials. Essex county is now offering free testing for residents.
Health and Safety
The Seton Hall Pledge is our responsibility and commitment to ourselves and each other. While adherence is overwhelmingly positive, there have been instances of noncompliance. It is vitally important that we all follow the Pledge. Public Safety is helping to enforce the Seton Hall Pledge. We encourage you to immediately report any violations by contacting Public Safety at (973) 761-9300.
Your health and safety remains paramount in Seton Hall's planning and actions. Please remember to take and follow the Seton Hall Pledge .
Matthew Borowick '89/MBA '94
Interim Vice President of the Division of University Advancement
Shawna Cooper-Gibson, Ed.D.
Vice President of Student Services
Co-chairs, Health Intervention and Communication Team
Categories: Campus Life, Health and Medicine