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Seton Hall University

Important Updates about Refunds, Grants, Summer Session, Commencement and More  

Dear Members of the Seton Hall Community,

We hope you and your families are in good health. Though the public health situation related to the coronavirus evolves daily and many developments are still unfolding, Seton Hall University has been strategically planning for the months and year ahead.

We have a team in place finalizing plans for our collective return to campus in the fall. Additional teams are developing alternatives should the science or government guidance delay a return or require modified approaches. Of course, we look forward to welcoming our students and the entire community back to campus as soon as it's possible to do so safely.

To help keep you abreast of the latest administrative developments, we share the following updates:

Refunds, Grants, Scholarships and Financial Decisions

  • The University is committed to providing refunds to students for room, board and parking — amounting to more than $9.2 million. The University is finalizing the process consistent with the myriad of federal regulations.
  • The University is also committed to providing grants to students to cover amounts not refunded or credited by study-abroad-related travel agencies, airlines and hotels or associated travel insurance.
  • Summer tuition rates will remain at the same rate as fall 2019 and spring 2020. We also want all undergraduate students to know that if they take two classes during the summer they will receive a $1,500 grant to help make summer study more affordable. This will cover all on-line courses and will be extended to all undergraduate students, even if they did not receive this award as part of their initial scholarship.
  • An emergency assistance fund has been established for students, and the University is actively fundraising to support these efforts for students.
  • Recognizing the broad economic challenges being faced, in executive cabinet we volunteered as a group to reduce our own pay by 10%; President Nyre volunteered to reduce his salary by 20%.

Summer academic offerings have been enhanced. Recognizing that students' academic schedules have been disrupted, the University added a third summer session. This change was made to enable students to take any additional classes needed to keep their studies on schedule.

  • Summer Session I (May 19 – June 23/30)
  • Summer Session II (July 6 – August 6)
  • Summer Session III (August 7 – August 26)

Commencement 2020
The University is committed to celebrating commencement with the Class of 2020 in person when it is safe to do so. While that means postponing a face-to-face event for now, this important milestone in the lives of students and their families won't go unmarked in May. To provide the kind of meaningful acknowledgement graduating students deserve, the entire Seton Hall community will join together to honor the class throughout the month. A key component of the festivities will be a digital takeover of the University's web and social media presence May 18 - 24. We're asking students, parents, faculty, administrators and staff to share videos to highlight students' accomplishments, express our pride and share words of wisdom. Please visit our Class of 2020 website for more information.

You will continue to hear from us as plans evolve. Please keep all affected nations, people and students in your prayers.

Seton Hall University Executive Cabinet

Categories: Campus Life

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