Important Notice for All Resident Students
Friday, November 6, 2020
Who should be tested?
Everyone! Unless you were diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 90 days, you should
be tested. If you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days, you should not
test now as your test will likely come back with false positive results.
How do you get a test?
Just go by your Residence Hall Director's Office anytime after noon, on Tuesday, November 10, to pick up a test kit.
What is the test?
It's a simple, self-administered saliva sample test. Instructions are included with
the test kit. As soon as you are done with the test, follow the instructions for enclosing
the sample in the plastic bag and take the bag to the lobby of your building and put
the bag in the box at the front desk. Turrell residents – please take the bag over
to Health Services (303 Centre Street – across the street from Turrell Manor). Test
kits are collected every afternoon from the boxes.
When do I get my results?
If you test positive, you will be called within 4 days from the test being collected.
If you test negative, you will not be called.
Why do I need to test so far ahead of the break?
Because if you test positive, we want to be sure that you have enough time to isolate
safely before you leave to go home to your family. For that reason, we encourage you
to complete the test as close to November 10th as you can.
What if I'm not feeling well?
IMPORTANT: Any student who is ill or symptomatic for COVID-19 (check your symptoms every day
on the #CampusClear App) should call Health Services at (973) 761-9175 for separate
testing. Anyone identified as close contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19
will also be tested separately at Health Services.
What else should I know?
ALL students, including those who test negative for the virus, should quarantine for
14 days upon returning home as an additional precaution.
This is especially important if there are vulnerable or high-risk individuals in your home.
Quarantine means:
- Eat meals separately or outside while physically distanced.
- Use separate serving ware, glasses, plates, and utensils.
- Use a separate bathroom from family members. If that is not possible, disinfect the bathroom after each use.
- Avoid physical contact such as hugging, kissing, and shaking hands.
- Wear a mask and maintain a distance of 6 feet when in the presence of others.
- Restrict movement within and outside of the home.
Categories: Health and Medicine