Extended Availability of Health Services, Flu Shots, Staying Healthy and More - Seton Hall University
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Last week we announced the start of increased surveillance testing for resident students. We share our thanks to all the students, randomly selected, for their cooperation in the launch of this additional health and safety measure.
We continue to meet regularly with South Orange Village health officials to exchange information, share ideas, and identify opportunities for further cooperation. Additionally, the HICT continues to monitor evolving state, regional and national news, statistics and notifications regarding the status of COVID-19. Central New Jersey has seen a spike in cases, leading to an overall increase in the state's positivity figures.
The University dashboard has been updated to reflect the identification of two new positive cases this week. Details are at https://www.shu.edu/health-services/covid-19-information.
Expanded Availability of Health Services
Students are encouraged to make use of Health Services' expanded accessibility, now offering extended telemedicine hours of 4:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Monday-Friday, 12 noon – 8 p.m. on Saturday, and 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. on Sunday. This is in addition to office hours of 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Monday-Friday. Students may contact Health Services at (973) 761-9175 and the telemedicine line is (862) 338-9129.
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Flu Shots and Staying Healthy
Free flu vaccinations are still available for all students and employees across all three campuses. With concerns about a “twindemic” this winter, taking advantage of such a precaution can greatly help mitigate the spread of the seasonal flu. Please consult the University calendar for details and locations. Students unable to visit one of the clinics can make an appointment at Health Services.
Practicing good hygiene habits are keys to staying healthy. We wish to thank all of you for your thoughtful adherence to the Seton Hall Pledge . Masking, practicing social distancing, and frequent hand washing are vitally important to your safety and that of all those around you. Avoid prolonged, close contact whenever possible. And please complete the #CampusClear app survey each day.
New Spotlight Feature in Microsoft Teams
The new Spotlight feature in Microsoft Teams lets meeting organizers and presenters lock their video as the main view for all meeting participants. This helps the presenter control the main video feed that a participant sees during the meeting. Presenters and organizers may also spotlight another attendee in the meeting. In a Teams HyFlex room, the instructor can spotlight the classroom attendee, ie. Fahy 101, Schwartz 101, etc. Instructors may also spotlight another student in a class, ideal for presentations or leading a discussion. Watch this video for a demonstration on how to use this feature.
COVID-19 Testing Locations
Essex County is offering a regular county-wide testing service for residents. The service is available to resident students who show their Seton Hall photo ID. More information may be found at: https://essexcovid.org/
Union County residents can now walk to a free COVID-19 test site, provided by the Union County COVID-19 Mobile Test Unit. https://ucnj.org/covid19/testing/walk-up-locations/
Local government officials created www.southorangecovid19.com as an additional resource you may wish to consult.
Your health and safety remains paramount in Seton Hall's planning and actions. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please contact the HICT here .
Shawna Cooper-Gibson, Ed.D.
Vice President of Student Services
Matthew Borowick '89/MBA '94
Interim Vice President of the Division of University Advancement
Co-chairs, Health Intervention and Communication Team
Categories: Campus Life, Health and Medicine