Next Steps for Admitted Graduate Students
Welcome to Seton Hall University! We are very happy that you will be joining our community. Below is important information for newly admitted graduate students that will help you navigate the next steps for enrollment.
If you have been admitted to the School of Law, please visit the School of Law for more information.
Confirming Your Place in the Program
Now that you have been admitted to one of our graduate programs, we just need you to confirm that you will be attending.
Students who are admitted to the majority of graduate programs will be required to submit a one-time tuition deposit, through the Graduate Admissions Portal, to confirm their spot in the program. In such cases, this tuition deposit will be applied to your tuition bill. For students whose program of study does not require a deposit, an Intent to Enroll form will serve as the mechanism by which you may confirm your spot in the program. The Intent to Enroll form, where needed, may also be accessed via the Graduate Admissions Portal.
PirateNet Portal
PirateNet is Seton Hall University’s web portal which serves as the single access point for most University information and transactions. Through PirateNet, you can access your email, register for courses, review and accept your financial aid package, view/pay your tuition bill, access the library and Canvas, the University’s online classroom. PirateNet also allows you to update your personal information, and access academic transcripts and other important University information.
Seton Hall Email Accounts
Every Seton Hall student is assigned a Seton Hall email address. All official University announcements, including messages from your professors, will be sent to your Seton Hall student email address, so it will be important for you to check this account as often as possible.
Your unique Seton Hall email address may be provided by your graduate department or adviser, and it is also listed on the "Main Deck" tab in the PirateNet portal. For more information about your e-mail account »
Once you satisfy your tuition deposit, you will be eligible to register for courses online through the PirateNet portal. Some students will be prompted for a PIN to register which will be provided by your graduate department or adviser. This PIN will change each semester.
For more information regarding registration, please contact the Office of the Registrar at (973) 761-9374, or via email at [email protected].
Canvas is Seton Hall University’s online learning management system which contains information for each of your courses and allows you to communicate with your classmates and instructors. Some professors also use Canvas for online discussions, to post course materials, to submit course assignments and to post your grades for assignments throughout the semester.
For more information about Canvas, including student tutorials »
Health Information and Insurance
New Jersey state law requires that all full-time students be covered by health insurance. To ensure that all of our students are in compliance with this requirement, Seton Hall University provides group health insurance plans for full-time graduate students, and you will automatically be enrolled in this plan. However, you are eligible to submit a waiver through the PirateNet portal if you are already covered by another health insurance plan.
Please visit Health Services for more information regarding student health insurance. You may also log in to the Student Health Portal, using your PirateNet credentials, and submit the required health information to Health Services.
International Students
Once admitted, international students should contact the Office of International Programs to ensure that all materials for the I-20 have been received and are being processed.
Purchasing Books
Once you have registered for courses, you can purchase your books through our University bookstore. Books can be purchased online or in our University bookstore which is located on the bottom level of Duffy Hall. Learn more »
Student ID Cards
Once you have registered for courses, you must obtain a Seton Hall ID card. This card will provide you with access to the University’s gates and buildings, and it is used for all transactions through your “Pirate’s Gold” account. You can add money to your “Pirate’s Gold” account via the PirateNet portal, and these funds can be used for the bookstore, vending machines, the a la carte area of the cafeteria and at several off-campus locations in the South Orange area.
Seton Hall ID cards are distributed through the Campus ID Office which is located in Duffy Hall, Room 63. Please visit the Campus ID Office for more information.
Parking Permits
If you plan to park your car on campus, you must obtain a parking pass. The Parking Services Office is located in Duffy Hall, Room 63. Please visit Parking Services for more information.