Anne Hewitt , Ph.D.
Professor Emerita
Department of Interprofessional Health Sciences and Health Administration
Anne Hewitt, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita
Department of Interprofessional Health Sciences and Health Administration
Dr. Anne Hewitt, Professor Emerita joined Seton Hall University in 2000 and served in multiple administrative and faculty roles until her retirement in 2024. She most recently led as Chair, the Department of Interprofessional Health Services which includes the PhD in Health Sciences, the Master of Healthcare Administration and the Bachelor of Science in Interprofessional Health Sciences. She continues to teach as an adjunct in the MHA program with a focus on population health management. Dr. Hewitt founded the Seton Center for Community and Population Health in 2004 and remains in her role as Director. She continues her research and scholarly activities and is currently authoring a new text, The Health Consumerism Challenge: Practical Skills for Improving Patient Outcomes, and preparing the second edition of Population Health Management: Strategies, Tools, Applications, and Outcomes.
- PhD, Temple University
- MA, Immaculata University
- BS, Otterbein University
- Hewitt, A. (2024). Population Health: Practical Skills for Future Health Professionals. Cognella Publishing.
- Hewitt, A. (2024). The Co-Production of Health Framework: Seeking Instructive Management Models and Theories. In Hefner, J., Cross, D. & Shay, P. Advances in Health Management. Vol. 22. Emerald Publishing.
- Hewitt, A. (2022). Population Health Management. In Clobes, T.A. (ed.) Overview of the United States Healthcare System. Affordable Learning Solutions & California Alliance for Open Education.
- Caron, R., Evashwick, C. Hewitt, A., Hooker, E., & Stoskoph. (Accepted, 2023). Innovations in Teaching Population Health Management: Trends Mandate Increased Coverage in Graduate Curricula. Journal of Health Administration Education.
- Caron, R. & Hewitt, A. (2023). Population Health: An Integrating Approach for Aligning Public Health and Healthcare Systems. Journal of Health Administration Education.
- Hewitt, A. (2022, Fall). Developing Agile Leadership Skills in Future Health Professionals. In the Lead. Seton Hall University Publication. p.14 – 19. https://issuu.com/setonhallmagazine/docs/in_the_lead_magazine_fall2022
- Colfer, B., Hewitt, A., Johri, N. & Wagner, S. (2022). Comparability Across the Program (CAP): Assessing Competency Development of Online/Hybrid and On-Campus MHA Courses. Journal of Health Administration Education. 39(1), 167-179. https://works.bepress.com/anne-hewitt/27/ https://www.proquest.com/openview/078435d73eb4aba7c8eede2ced086824/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=105455
- Caron, R.M., Hewitt, A.M., Hooker, E., and Carmalt, J. (2022). Methods and tools for teaching health profession students how to perform Community Health Needs Assessments. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 8(2): 151-156, https://doi.org/10.1177/2373379920969732,
- Population Health Management: Strategies, Tools, Applications and Outcomes. Hewitt, A., Mascari, J., & Wagner, S.(Eds). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co., (2022)
- Population Health Management: A Framework for the Health Sector. In Hewitt, A., Mascari, J., & Wagner, S.(Eds). Population Health Management: Strategies, Tool, Applications and Outcomes. Springer Publishing Co. (2022).
- Case Study 1. Co-production of Health: Baby’s First. In Hewitt, A., Mascari, J., & Wagner, S.(Eds). Population Health Management: Strategies, Tool, Applications and Outcomes. Springer Publishing Co. (2022).
- The Affordable Care Act: Opportunity Defies Challenges. Journal of Health Care Finance. 47, 13-14. (2021).
- Aligning Community Hospitals with Local Public Health Departments: Collaborative Emergency Management (Book Chapter) In M. Hamner., S. Stovall, D. Taha. & S. Brahimi (Eds.) "Emergency Management and Disease Response in Public-Private Partnerships," Hershey, PA. IGI Global, 2015.
- Fifteen Years of Progress: Interviews with Authors from the 2001 JHAE Special issue on the State of Online Education in Health Administration. Journal of Health Administration Education. 2015 32(4).
- Incident and Disaster Management Training: Collaborative Learning Opportunities Using
Virtual World Scenarios (Book Chapter)
In E. Asimakopoulou & N. Bessis (Eds.) "Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative and Distributed Frameworks," Hershey, PA: IGI Global, June 2010 - Emerging Community Approaches for Eliminating Health Disparities: A Preliminary Investigation
of Commonalities and Differences (Book Chapter)
In Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld (Ed.), "Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care and Linkages to Policy, Population Concerns and Providers of Care (Research in the Sociology of Health Care)" 27, 265- 275, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishin, August 2009 - Expanding CERC Beyond Public Health: Sharing Best Practices with Healthcare Managers via Virtual Learning, Presented at the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication for Pandemic Influenza Webinar, December 2008
- Applications in Practice: A Guide for Health Administration Programs (Book Chapter)
In "Promoting Civic Engagement in Healthcare Management Education: Concepts and Cases", May 2006 - Aligning Community Hospitals with Local Public Health Departments: Collaborative Emergency Management (Book Chapter) In M. Hamner M., S. Stovall, D. Taha. & S. Brahimi (Eds.) "Emergency Management and Disease Response in Public-Private Partnerships," Hershey, PA. IGI Global, 2015.
- Addressing Health Disparities: Understanding Place in the Role of Social Determinant Interventions (Book Chapter) In J. J. Kronenfeld, (Ed.) "Social Determinants in Health Disparities and Linkages to Health and Health Care" (Research in the Sociology of Health Care,) 39, 23-29, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2013
- Fifteen Years of Progress: Interviews with Authors from the 2001 JHAE Special issue on the State of Online Education in Health Administration. Journal of Health Administration Education. 2015 32(4).
- A Survey of Health Management Online Programs: Commonalities, Differences and Future Trends. Journal of Health Administration Education. 2015, 32(4). Incident and Disaster Management Training: An Update on Using Virtual World Scenarios for Emergency Management Training. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT). 2014, 3(2). 1-21.
- 2020 Society Recognition Award (2020) – Healthcare Planning and Marketing Society of New
- Jersey and the Commission on Accreditation of Health Management Education
- Distinguished Service Award (2016) - New Jersey American College of Healthcare Executives
- Emily Bissell Humanitarian Award (2011), American Lung Association in New Jersey
- Director, Elizabeth A. Seton Institute for Community and Population Health (2005-)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Health Administration Education (2017-)
- New Jersey Healthcare Executive Leadership Academy – Faculty (2016-2020)