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Seton Hall University
Bayley Hall

Accounts Payable Services

The Procurement Department is responsible for processing all SHU invoices, check requests, expense reports, etc. The Procurement Department also handles all Federal and State of New Jersey 1099 tax filings for the university pertaining to payments to independent contractors.

Joan Pavick
Accounts Payable Manager
[email protected]


Any SHU employee who will have financial responsibility for approving and then submitting invoices, check requests, expense reports to Procurement for processing should contact Procurement to receive training on the policies and procedures pertaining to these items. 


Authorized invoices, check requests, expense reports are submitted to Procurement for review and payment into the Banner Financial System by Procurement Clerks. Invoices are paid according to vendor payment terms. When resulting checks are produced, copies are retained in Procurement and the original checks are mailed to the payee.

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