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Office of International Programs
Image of faculty member talking to a student in their office

Pre-Departure Process

Whether you're returning from a recent study abroad program or preparing for your first, this hub provides everything you need. Here, you'll find the complete timeline, from launching your approved Faculty Led Program (FLP) to preparing for departure with your confirmed students.

New Programs: If you're creating a new study abroad experience, visit our New Faculty Programs hub for approval process details, whether you're a seasoned veteran or a first-timer.

Abroad Resources: Understand the on-the-ground resources that will assist you and your students in your host country by exploring our Faculty Abroad Resources hub.

Connect with OIP: Email [email protected] for questions or sign up for a Global Chat to learn more about study abroad at Seton Hall.

Launching Your Program

The following are the first required steps in ensuring your approved Faculty Led Program (FLP) launches smoothly and that there is plenty of runway to market your program. Click here for the full pre-departure timeline.

Assessments and Adjustments: If you have previously run this FLP, consider what changes you might make this time around. Click here for some items and questions you should consider.

FLP Launch Form: The cycle for recurring programs kicks off  a week after program returns from abroad with the FLP Launch Form. The form first asks whether the faculty leader intends to run the program during the upcoming cycle in addition to updates on the following items: Program Dates, Changes to Enrollment Minimums/Capacity, Vendor Selection and Program Fee, DOS Travel Advisory Level, Website Content and a detailed Itinerary.

Student Interest Form: Ahead of the FLP Launch Form being submitted, OIP doesn't want to waste any time marketing your program for the next cycle. At the same time the FLP Launch Form is sent, Interest Forms go live on your recurring program's webpage. This way, any student who is interested in your program and wants to know the moment applications go live can sign up for this first-to-know notification.

Significant Program Changes: If a faculty leader indicates on the FLP Launch Form there is a change to the FLP destination country, the faculty leader, the Program Term, or a Seton Hall chaperone assisting the faculty leader, then OIP will send a form for approval to their Chairperson, Dean, and the Office of the Provost (in that order). 

Close Your Course: All FLP courses at Seton Hall must be set to zero capacity to prevent unapproved students from registering. These course sections should be closed before registration opens and upon being published in Banner.

Please Note: If a faculty leader decides not to go forward with their program for the upcoming cycle (through the FLP Launch Form) OIP will change their programs status on the Study Abroad website.

Marketing and Outreach

To ensure a successful Faculty Led Program (FLP), effective faculty participation in recruitment and a robust departmental strategy for curriculum integration and promotion are essential. Here's a streamlined guide to promoting your abroad program:

Department Strategy
• Faculty Coordination: Inform all faculty within your department about the FLP to align outreach efforts. Utilize newsletters, email blasts, events, and class visits to promote the program.
• Scholarship Promotion: If your department offers study abroad scholarships, inform OIP so they can feature these on your program’s webpage and the Scholarships Abroad hub.
• Consistent Communication: Ensure the target audience hears about the program through multiple department channels to maximize enrollment.

Flyers and Handouts
• Approval and Creation: Once your program is approved, create and post flyers in key campus areas and on relevant Canvas course pages.
• QR Code: OIP will provide a QR code linking directly to the program’s webpage. Include this in all physical promotional materials.
• Design Tips: Flyers should be visually appealing and concise, directing students to the website for detailed information via the QR code.

Class and Campus Visits
• Targeted Presentations: Host brief, engaging presentations in relevant classes and campus areas. Consider classes that are prerequisites for your study abroad course.
• Collaboration with OIP: OIP aims to visit every CORE 2101 and Honors section to promote Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs. For more details on targeted class and campus visits that OIP can host, click here.

The Application Cycle

Students go through the following stages while applying to their study abroad program. You can view the statuses of all your students through the Application Finder.

Pending: Student's application is started but not completed.

Application Submitted: Awaiting review from the faculty leader and OIP. Profile updates (GPA, major, etc.) are available the day after submission.

Approved: Marked by OIP after faculty approval and verification of a 2.5 GPA. Approval may occur up to the Confirmation Deadline.

Withdrawn: Student has withdrawn their application before submission.

Confirmed: Student has signed the Acknowledgment of Refund, Participation and Withdrawal Policy and paid the nonrefundable deposit. Status updated to Confirmed by OIP.

Waitlist: If the program is at capacity, students can join the waitlist by emailing [email protected]. OIP manages the waitlist and will notify students if a spot opens.

Ready for Departure: Status given after completing pre-departure steps and paying the remaining program balance.

Review and Approve Students

Login to the Study Abroad Portal:

• You will receive an email with your login details for the study abroad portal (
• If you encounter any issues or need assistance, email [email protected]

Student Eligibility Requirements:
• Minimum GPA of 2.5
• No disciplinary probation level II or higher at the time of departure
• Faculty can view applicants' academic details, while OIP reviews disciplinary status

Reviewer Console:
• An email notification will alert you when a student submits an application
• Use the provided link in the email to access the Applicant Review via PirateNet
• Wait 24 hours after application submission for data synchronization before approving
• Once submitted, faculty reviews cannot be changed. For amendments, email [email protected]

Understanding Student Melt: 
• Every study abroad program has  “melt,” a proportion of Approved students don’t end up Confirming for a program and you can never predict the exact proportion of “melt” your program will experience
• Generally most study abroad programs have at least half of approved students decide not to Confirm their spot
• Approve all qualified students regardless of current numbers, as many approved students might not confirm
• Aim to have at least double the number of approved students as your minimum enrollment target

Application Finder:
• Use the Application Finder to view all applications and their current stages
• Access pending and submitted applications by clicking on the applicant’s name

Vendors and Payments

Vendor Selection: 
• Faculty leaders must provide updated vendor details, program fees, and a detailed itinerary on the FLP Launch Form
• For essential vendor and budgeting information, click here

Student Payments:
• Students make nonrefundable deposits and final balance payments through the Study Abroad Portal via TouchNet
• Payments are placed in the program’s restricted fund set up by your School or College

Vendor Payments:
• Managed by your School or College in coordination with the Division of Finance
• Contact your Dean's Office finance point-of-contact for vendor payment procedures
• Vendors must accept payment by check or Wire Transfer, never credit cards or cash advances

Pre-Departure Timelines

Spring Embedded 2025 - Recurring Programs 
• August 21: FLP Launch Form Deadline for Welcome Weekend Outreach
• September 2: FLP Launch Form Deadline 
• October 15: Priority Application Deadline for Students
• November 1: Confirmation (Deposit) Deadline for Students
• January 6, 2025: Final Payment Deadline for Students

Summer Abroad 2025 - Recurring Programs 
• November 1: FLP Launch Form Deadline
• December 15, 2025: Priority Application Deadline for Students
• January 15: Confirmation (Deposit) Deadline for Students
• March 1: Final Payment Deadline for Students

New Faculty Led Programs (2025 cohort)
• October 1, 2024: New FLP Submissions Form Opens
• April 1, 2024: New FLP Proposal Form Deadline
• May 1: Department Chair Approval Deadline
• June 1: Dean’s Office Approval Deadline
• July 1: Office of the Provost Approval Deadline
• August 1: Applications Go Live for Approved FLPs with Completed FLP Launch Form