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College of Human Development, Culture, and Media

Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student Panels at 9/11 Forum

9-11 memorial

Seton Hall student at 9/11 Memorial in New York City.

With the 22nd anniversary of the tragic day on September 11, 2001 upon us, grief and sorrow remains deep within our nation. Every year since, many of the lives lost are remembered and honored through their loved ones.

One family member includes Ryan Sliwak, a fifth-year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program at Seton Hall University. This year, having lost his father on 9/11 twenty-two years ago, Ryan will be a panelist at Tuesday’s Children’s 2023 Lessons in Recovery and Resilience Forum on September 20, 2023.

Tuesday’s Children, an organization that serves military families of fallen soldiers, families of those impacted by 9/11 and first responders, and those who are affected by terrorism or mass violence, is hosting the 6th annual Lessons on Recovery and Resilience Forum. This year’s theme is “Transformation from Tragedy: Lived Experience in Recovery from Terrorism, Military Conflict, Mass Violence, Trauma and Loss.”

Ryan has personal experience with the topic and has also published and presented his scholarship on the experiences of children of 9/11. He is currently completing his pre-doctoral internship at the Albany Psychology Consortium and his dissertation research on the experience of grief and continuing bonds for children of 9/11.

Ryan Sliwak

Ryan Sliwak, a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program at Seton Hall University.

“Being a panelist for the forum is an honor and emotional at the same time. It is an honor to share the stage with other panelists and be part of the challenging and moving topic of discussion during the event. I hope others take from it that a loss from military conflict, COVID-19, 9/11, or any tragedy or trauma is not an experience defined by a day or moment in time but a story embedded with meaning,” Ryan Sliwak explained.

This year’s forum will feature keynote speakers and panel discussions with experts and survivors highlighting innovative work in terrorism prevention, trauma and bereavement support, global disaster response and recovery, community resilience and assistance for responder and military populations. “Although each of our losses continues to impact us, it is beautiful when the pain and tragedy of that are processed collaboratively to reveal how meaning can be made in the darkest parts of our experiences. I truly appreciate the opportunity to share my own story. Still, it means even more to me that I can relay and share some of the unbelievable displays of resiliency I have witnessed from my projects and connections with other 9/11 kids,” said Sliwak.

Panelists and keynote speakers come from an array of organizations including Vibrant Emotional Health, New York Life Foundation, Capitol Police Officer, The Unquiet Professional, NYC Department of Education, American Red Cross, 10.27 Healing Partnership.

This event will be live-streamed and include interactive online content. Registration is free, but required. To learn more and register for the forum, click here.

All registered attendees will be able to access the live event, a post-event recording and additional on-demand online content and discussions.