Update Regarding Recent Rise in COVID-19 Cases
Sunday, October 25, 2020
The health and safety of our community of students, faculty, priests, staff, and administrators is of paramount importance.
The vast majority of our Seton Hall community has excelled in keeping one another safe. However, as cases rise across the country, state and region, Seton Hall has begun to experience an increase in positive cases - primarily off campus. While the rates at Seton Hall remain substantially below the county and state rates, vigilance is critical. Therefore, we share the following information to assist you in helping prevent the spread of the virus.
The majority of the recent cases are primarily related to two clusters, one among athletic teams and the other within a Greek organization. Consistent with University protocols, Health Services is (1) working closely with the Village of South Orange on contact tracing, (2) conducting testing and (3) has quarantined or isolated identified individuals. Health privacy laws prohibit the release of individual names or further identifying information.
Each exposed individual is in quarantine. Individuals testing positive are in isolation. The University provides quarantine and isolation space in Ora Manor for resident students who test positive or who are identified as a close contact through contact tracing.
It is vitally important that our Seton Hall community follow the Seton Hall Pledge. Minor transgressions by a few can result in significant consequences for the entire University. While the current incident rate does not warrant pivoting to fully remote instruction, additional clusters may well require such action. You can make the difference.
Additionally, it is almost Halloween. As we have seen with recent national and state news, no one is immune to the spread of the virus. In order for each of us to remain healthy and safe, we must be vigilant in our health and safety protocols. Continue to abide by the Seton Hall Pledge. Students: Gatherings on and off campus should not occur. This is imperative to limiting spread of the virus. Thank you for prioritizing our Pirate family and working, together, to keep ourselves and all those around us, healthy and safe.
We realize uncertainty resulting from the ever-changing nature of the pandemic can cause tremendous anxiety. As a University community, we must come together in support and mutual affection. Services are available to assist you. Students can avail themselves of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) while employees have access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Campus Ministry provides invaluable spiritual and other support.
In addition to the testing, tracing, and quarantine actions, we continue to closely monitor the path of the virus, on our campuses, and throughout the state, region, and nation. We will continue to keep you informed. Please continue to consult the Health Intervention and Communications Team website.
Shawna Cooper-Gibson, Ed.D.
Vice President of Student Services
Matthew Borowick '89/MBA '94
Interim Vice President of the Division of University Advancement
Co-chairs, Health Intervention and Communication Team
Categories: Health and Medicine