Inside the Core We Support a Memorial Project
Monday, November 6, 2023

Professor Melinda Papaccio, English and Core faculty member.
Inside the Core this week, we support English instructor and long-standing Core faculty member, Professor Melinda Papaccio, in a project that she is bringing to Seton Hall – the Black Poster Project Silent Memorial. The poster, the color of which simply is black, memorializes those lost to addiction. It will be on display from 2:30-7 p.m., Thursday November 9 in the University Center this week. There will be a moment of prayer at 6 p.m.
Melinda Papaccio brings her wealth of experience in the field of addiction to her Core service-learning sections. Active in the ministry of I-Thirst, started by Seton Hall ICSST graduate alum, Keaton Douglas, Melinda enlists her students into the meaningful work with addicts that is the heart of this important ministry. Spiritual accompaniment is crucial to I-Thirst, and Melinda has been certified to fulfill this role. Participating in the interactions with addicts in I-Thirst meetings, students get to see first-hand how important it is to addicts to feel they are not alone. Sometimes just having that one person reach out to an addicted individual can make all the difference. And, as I-Thirst testifies, spiritual connection with God (one’s higher power) is extremely important in conquering any addictive behavior.
However, as there are many who did not get this kind of help, or did not even know it existed, sometimes addicts die of an overdose. Those left behind and even those of us who may not have lost an addict but who deeply care about helping those suffering from addiction can visit this beautiful memorial display, joining with those who have experienced this loss and remembering those who whose stories and images are immortalized through it.
Categories: Campus Life