Get Involved
Student Life Committee
Actively engages with the issues and needs of the student body . The committee focuses
on an array of tangible products related to improving student rites to pursuing student
interests to help provide the events, opportunities, and initiatives students enjoy
and need.
Chair: Jero Mouradian
Academic Affairs Committee
Handles concerns related to curriculum, faculty, library, printing, technology and
career development.
Chair: Neha Asif
Finance Committee
Manages a special allocation fund and hears requests from student organizations, departments,
Greek organizations, and other Seton Hall constituencies. Additionally, the committee
allocates and oversees club budgets.
Chair: Rounak Lele
Public Relations Committee
Responsible for the promotion of events, distribution of information, creation of
print and digital media, and management of Student Government website, blog and social
Chair: Sahan Theegala
Village Relations Committee
Represents student interest in the community and further develops the student body’s
relationship with the Village of South Orange.
Chair: Ishan Sharma
Elections Committee
Oversees the election process from advertisement and outreach, campaign oversight
and voting management.
Chair: Rahana Suresh