IHS Campus Parking Rules and Regulations
The Interprofessional Health Sciences Campus (IHSC) maintains parking facilities to meet the needs of the students, faculty, staff and visitors. The IHSC does not assume responsibility for security of vehicles or contents while parked on IHSC property.
Parking and operating a motor vehicle on the IHS Campus is a privilege. The campus reserves the right to refuse issuance of a parking permit, restrict or change the use of any space or area, anytime without notice. Parking permits are the property of IHSC and may be recalled at any time.
Area of Jurisdiction
The information contained in the parking regulations applies to all IHSC designated parking areas.
Table of Contents:
- General Rules
- Enforcement
- Student Permits
- Faculty/Employee Permits
- Other Permits
- Proper Display of Permit
- Lots
- Map
- IHSC Guest Policy SOP
- IHSC ADA Accessible Elevator SOP
1. General Rules
Employees may not park in Visitor spots or in the student lot. Students (with permits) can park in the front student lot (the South Lot)or the IHS parking garage located on Ideation Way. Parking permits are required at all times on the Interprofessional Health Sciences Campus in Nutley. Enforcement has begun and a valid permit MUST be displayed at all times. Anyone in need of ADA parking should register and display their state issued ADA permit and may park in the dedicated handicap spaces in the East Lot (accessed via the South Lot).
1.1. Vehicle Permit Registration
Registration and display of a valid IHSC parking permit is required at all times while vehicles are parked on IHSC property. Registration applications can be completed online (see links below) or printed out and submitted in person at the Parking Services Office.Vehicle registration is an individual responsibility. Non-receipt of registration materials or notification does not excuse failure to register a vehicle with the IHSC. A vehicle is to be registered for an individual's own use. Registering a vehicle for another's personal use through false information is considered fraud. A student may not register another student's vehicle. Penalty for all parties involved includes a $200 fine for each person, cost of boot and/or tow, plus loss of parking privileges for an academic year.
1.2. Lost or Stolen Permits
The IHSC is not responsible for lost or stolen permits. Parking Services should be notified immediately upon discovery of a lost or stolen permit. Any vehicle found using a permit that has been reported lost or stolen will be booted or towed even if used by the original owner. A replacement permit is $15.00 plus sales tax where applicable.
1.3. Parking on IHSC Property
Parking on IHSC property is permitted for IHSC business only. The purchase of a parking permit provides the privilege of parking on campus. The inability to find a legal parking space does not excuse illegal parking.
1.4. Designated Parking Locations
Parking on IHSC property is permitted only in parking lots and designated areas. Vehicles must be parked entirely within a marked space. Absence of a marked space indicates NO PARKING.
1.5. Responsibility for University Parking Violations
The person who has registered the vehicle with IHSC, regardless of the driver or owner of the vehicle, assumes responsibility for all outstanding university parking violations issued to a vehicle. Violations issued to a vehicle not registered with Parking Services may be investigated through state motor vehicle and other agencies. Students, Faculty Members and Staff are responsible for violations incurred by their visitors.
1.6. State Registration Laws
State registration laws must be followed while parked on IHSC property. Permits are issued for registered vehicles only. Use of a permit on an unregistered vehicle without valid state license plates will result in the removal of that vehicle at the owner's expense.
1.7. Vehicles with Unpaid Tickets
ALL vehicles with unpaid tickets may be booted and/or towed without notice at the owner's expense. Once booted or towed the right to appeal is forfeited. Campus parking privileges may also be suspended. Unpaid tickets will result in denial of the privilege to register a vehicle to park on campus. Additionally, for students; outstanding citations will be assessed through the IHSC Public Safety Office pursuant to IHSC policy, outstanding balances may hold academic registration, transcripts, and/or diplomas. Faculty and employees outstanding citations will be assessed through Human Resources and must be paid at the IHSC Public Safety Office.
1.8. Restricted Parking
No overnight parking is permitted at IHSC unless previously authorized.
1.9. Parking Alert
From time to time Parking Alerts, which are electronic notifications and/or posted notices transmitting important parking updates, lot and road closures, etc. to the community, are issued. It is the responsibility of the university community to read and comply with these alerts.
1.10. Disabled Vehicles
Disabled vehicles must be reported to Public Safety. The vehicle must be removed as soon as possible and not longer than 24 hours. Permission must be obtained from Public Safety for periods longer than 24 hours. Vehicles that are a safety hazard or obstruct the flow of traffic will be removed immediately at the owner's expense. Damaged or inoperable vehicles may not be stored on IHSC property and will be subject to removal at the owner's expense.
1.11. Counterfeit or Altered Permits
The use or possession of counterfeit or altered permits is illegal and subject to the disciplinary process. Vehicles found to be in use or possession of counterfeit or altered permits are also subject to ticketing, booting and/or towing and may result in loss of parking privileges.
1.12. Improper Permit
Each permit is issued for a specific purpose and valid for certain hours. Permits used outside its intended purpose is a violation and a citation for IMPROPER PERMIT will be issued.
1.13. Temporary Closure of Lots and Roadways
The IHSC reserves the right to temporarily close parking areas and roadways for repairs, safety and special events. Vehicles parked in areas that have been closed by barricades, signs, or notifications are subject to ticketing and or towing and relocation at the owner's expense.
1.14. Snow Removal Operations
Snow removal operations are announced by Pirate Alert for Seton Hall or Everbridge for HMH, and posted notices. It is the responsibility of the registered operator of the vehicle to be aware of weather conditions and remove the vehicle. Failure to remove a vehicle may result in the issuance of a ticket and relocation at the owner’s expense.
1.15. ADA Spaces
Faculty, staff and students parking in a ADA space requires a valid parking permit from both IHSC and the appropriate state agency. The proper identification issued by both authorities must be displayed at all times.
1.16. Fire Zones
Parking in fire zones is strictly prohibited. Vehicles left unattended in a fire zone, regardless of the amount of time, will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense and may be subject to local Police or Fire Department summons. Activating the vehicle’s hazard lights does not serve as implied permission to park in the fire lanes.
1.17. Loading Zones
Parking in loading zones is prohibited. Activating the vehicle’s hazard lights does not serve as implied permission to park in the loading zones.
1.18. Signs and Markings
Signs and road markings are provided in the interest of parking control and safety. Therefore, signs and markings must be obeyed. Reserved spaces are posted throughout the campus. Only vehicles assigned to these spaces may park there and all others may be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. Removal or damage of signs and markings is illegal and subject to the judicial and/or civil process.
1.19. Transfer of Permit
Permits are not transferable and may only be used on the vehicle(s) to which they are registered. Any vehicle found using a permit to which it is not assigned will be ticketed as well as booted and/or towed and may result in loss of parking privileges even if used by the original owner. Illegally transferred permits will be considered use of a counterfeit or altered permit.
2. Enforcement
Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Violation types and locations are routinely analyzed and enforcement adjusted accordingly. Ticket payments are due upon receipt.
2.1 Violations and Fines
Violation | Fine |
No Permit | $15 |
Improper Permit |
$15 |
Illegal/Altered Permit 1st Offense | Cost of permit plus $250 fine, boot |
Illegal/Altered Permit 2nd Offense | $250 fine, tow, loss of parking privileges for one semester and disciplinary action |
Improper Display | $25 |
Fire Zone | $100 |
ADA Space | $100 |
Reserved Space | $50 |
No Parking Area | $50 |
Driving on Grass/Sidewalk | $100 |
Parking on Grass/Sidewalk | $100 |
Parking Outside the Lines | $25 |
Blocking Traffic | $50 |
Careless Driving | $25 |
Boot | $50 |
2.2. Fine Payments
Fines may be paid in person at the IHSC Public Safety Office.
2.3. Appeals
Tickets may be appealed within ten (10) business days of the date the ticket was issued. After ten days the right to appeal is forfeited and the violator is responsible for all fines. Towing costs may not be appealed. The following violations are ineligible for appeal:
- Parking in Fire zones
- Parking in ADA spaces
- Parking in reserved spaces
- Use of counterfeit, lost, stolen or altered permits
- Previously appealed citations
Once a vehicle has been booted and/or towed the right to appeal any outstanding citation is waived and all outstanding fines are due.
All appeals must be in writing to [email protected]. Appeals that are denied will be assessed a $25 fee in addition to the original fine and any applicable late fees.
2.3.1. Invalid Appeals
Parking Services strives to provide fair and consistent enforcement of the parking rules and regulations for everyone's benefit. If someone feels that a citation was issued in error the appeals process provides an opportunity to appeal the citation and possibly have the fine waived. However, appealing a citation in no way guarantees that the penalty will be waived.
Invalid Appeals include but are not limited to the following reasons:
- "I didn't see the sign."
- "Others were parking there too."
- "I was late."
- "I could not find another parking space."
- "There was no sign that said I could not park there."
- "I was only parked there for a few minutes. I had my flashers on."
- "I have always parked there and you never gave me a citation before."
- "Other cars were parked there and they did not get a citation."
- "I do not agree with the policy or regulation."
- "The guard told me it was OK to park there."
2.4. Towing
Vehicles are subject to towing at the owner's expense for any violation of IHSC parking and registration rules. Towing offenses include, but are not limited to:
- Parking in Fire zones
- Parking in ADA spaces
- Parking in reserved spaces
- Three or more unpaid tickets
- Use of counterfeit, lost, stolen or altered permits
- Permit obtained by fraud
- Refusal to remove vehicle during snow removal operations.
Private companies provide towing. Cost of towing and storage is paid directly to the towing company. The IHSC does not benefit financially from the towing of vehicles.
By law, after the tow mechanism is attached the tow company is responsible for the vehicle even if it has not yet been removed from IHSC property. Tow companies are expected to treat everyone professionally and courteously. All claims for damage must be made to the tow company directly.
2.5. Late Fees
Any citations left unpaid after ten (10) business days will be assessed a $15 late fee.
2.6 Reporting of Accidents/Theft
If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, break-in or theft on the IHSC campus, you should report the incident to the Department of Public Safety as soon as possible.
3. Student Permits
Students with unpaid tickets will not be issued a permit until tickets are paid. The following permits are available for students only:
3.1. IHSC/Nutley Resident (RM Series)
Students commuting to the IHS/Nutley campus residing in campus residence halls on the South Orange campus who require a resident permit may obtain an IHS/Nutley Resident permit. The permit is valid from July 1 through June 30 of the current academic year in which it was issued. Valid on both the IHS/Nutley and South Orange campuses.
3.2. IHSC/Nutley Commuter (CM Series)
Students commuting to the IHS/Nutley campus who require a commuter permit may obtain an IHS/Nutley Commuter permit. The permit is valid from July 1 through June 30 of the current academic year in which it was issued. Commuter permits are issued to students who do not reside in one of the campus residence halls. Valid on both the IHS/Nutley and South Orange campuses. Parking on the South Orange campus is permitted between 6 a.m. and 2 a.m. daily except when the permit holder is using the library.
3.3 Student Permit Fees
Permit Type | Total fee, including applicable NJ sales tax (6.625%) |
Full Year | $593.62 |
Half Year | $306.05 |
3.4. Refund Policy
If a permit is returned by the end of Add/Drop after the start of the Fall semester a full refund will be issued. Permits returned between the day after Add/Drop has ended during the start of the Fall semester and by the end of Add/Drop after the start of the Spring semester will be issued a 50% refund. Any permit returned after Add/Drop has ended, or later, after the start of the Spring semester will not be issued a refund. For permits purchased in the Spring semester or for the Fall semester only, if the permit is returned by the end of Add/Drop after the start of the given semester a full refund will be issued. Permits returned after Add/Drop has ended or later will not be issued a refund.
4. Faculty and Employee Permits
All faculty and employees must purchase a permit to park on campus. Payment may be made at the IHSC Public Safety Office. Individuals with unpaid tickets will not be issued a permit until all outstanding tickets are paid.
4.1. IHSC/Nutley Faculty Permit
Issued to all full-time, tenure and tenure track faculty members. Permits are valid from July 1 through June 30.
4.2. IHSC/Nutley Adjunct Permit
Issued to all adjunct faculty members assigned to the IHS/Nutley campus. Permits are valid from July 1 through June 30.
4.3. IHSC/Nutley Employee Permit
Issued to all administrators and staff members assigned to the IHS/Nutley campus. Permits are valid from July 1 through June 30.
4.4 Employee/Adjunct Permit Fees
Purchase Date | Total fee, including applicable NJ sales tax (6.625%) |
IHSC SHU Employee July -November 30 | $593.62 |
IHSC SHU Employee December 1 – March 31 | $395.38 |
IHSC SHU Employee April 1- June 30 | $198.25 |
IHSC Adjunct full year | $146.90 |
5. Visitor/Guest ADA Parking (Issued through appropriate State Agency)
5.1. Visitor/Guest ADA Parking (Issued through appropriate State Agency)
ADA accessible parking is available in the ADA lot and East lot for those needing this accommodation. A state issued placard or license plate is required and must be displayed in plain view on the vehicle at all times while parked on the IHSC property. Those visitors requiring ADA accessible parking will access the parking area via the South Lot and must park in a designated ADA accessible space. When possible, prior notice provided to the Department of Public Safety of a visitor needing ADA accessible parking is requested to ensure a fluid process. The person or department the individual is visiting is responsible for paying the ten (10) dollar visitor parking fee. Payment can be completed at the Public Safety dispatch office located in room 0221 on the lower level of building 123.
5.2. IHSC Visitor Parking
Click here for Standard operation procedures on visitor parking.
6. Proper Display of Permit
Each type of permit must be displayed properly; failure to do so may result in the issuance of a citation for improper display of permit.
6.1 Hangtags
The hangtag must be suspended from the rearview mirror with the number colored side facing out. It must not be obstructed from view.
6.2. Window Decal
The decal must be affixed to the outside of left rear window. Decals taped to the window or displayed in any other manner are invalid and will result in a citation.
7. Lots
South Lot (Student Lot)
Hours: 24 Hours
Parking Available: Student Permits and Reserved
Permit Types Permitted: CM (Commuter) and RM (Resident)
East Lot (ADA Lot)
Hours: 24 Hours
Parking Available: ADA
Permit Types Permitted: All
IHSC Parking Garage (Entrance Located on Ideation Way)
Hours: 24 Hours
Parking Available: Faculty, employee, students and visitors
Permit Types Permitted: All and daily fees
Definitions of Lot Descriptions
- General – Legal parking allowed with an appropriate permit.
- Visitor – Non-community members would require purchasing the $10 daily parking fee.
- Reserved – Legal parking allowed with the specified permit category and/or license plate number.
- ADA – State issued permanent or temporary permit MUST be displayed in addition to appropriate parking permit. If the permit holder is not authorized to park in a specific lot they cannot use the ADA space in that lot.
- If there are not ADA spaces available the permit holder is NOT authorized to park in a reserved space.
- Permit holder cannot park in areas prohibited by NJ 2C.39:4-138 (i.e. within an intersection, on a crosswalk, in any area appropriately marked “no parking”, within 50 ft. of a stop sign, within 10 ft. of a fire hydrant, ext.)
Revised June 2022
These regulations are subject to change.