Opening Moby-Dick: Melville and the Digital Archive
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Eileen Ferara. "100 Boats: 12 of 100" Liberty State Park, Caven Point beach installation, block print on various papers, driftwood, jute and cord, dimensions variable, 2013.
On Tuesday, February 23 from 7 until 8 p.m. in the Beck Rooms of Walsh Library, in celebration of the 165th anniversary of the publication of Moby Dick, John Bryant will speak about the novel, its relevance, its history as a "fluid text," and his current project: editing Moby Dick at the Melville Electronic Library at Hofstra University. Dr. Bryant is Director of the Melville Electronic Library, Director of the Hofstra Digital Research Center, Founding Editor of Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, and Consulting Editor of The Melville Society. This event is sponsored by the English Department and the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Speaker Series.
Please also visit the current exhibit at the Walsh Gallery, "The Cure for Anything," which also commemorates the publication of Moby Dick. The Gallery will be open both before and after the talk for visitors.