Department of Physics Distinguished Lecture
Monday, March 23, 2015
Department of Physics Distinguished Lecture
A Rigorous Analysis of Powder Diffraction from Nanostructures

Professor I. Cevdet Noyan
- Chair and Professor
- Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics,
- Columbia University, New York, NY 10027
- Education: Northwestern University, Materials Science & Eng, Ph.D. 1984
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 @ 6:00 PM
Refreshments will be served @ 5:30PM
PLACE: Helen Lerner Amphitheater, McNulty Hall- SC 101
The College of Arts and Science and the Department of Physics is grateful for the
support received from the President's Advisory Council members for this Distinguished
Guest Lecturer Series event.
- Contact: Prof. M. Alper Sahiner, Physics Dept.
- Contact: 973 761 9060, or [email protected] for further information.
I. C. Noyan has been studying the mechanical response of crystalline materials over various length scales since 1978. He was one of the first researchers to combine the theory of micromechanics with that of x-ray and neutron diffraction. He and his group also work on extending x-ray characterization techniques for bulk structures to microdomains, with particular emphasis on ULSI chip structures. They have designed and built a microdiffraction system based on focusing capillary optics and monochromatic radiation on the X-20 beamline of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS). It was successfully used to determine the evolution of stress gradients in electromigration structures at very low current densities. It was also used to analyze dislocation distributions and lattice rotations in SiGe films on a local scale. The microbeam effort is now being extended to the quantification of finite size effects in thin film structures, and is being pursued at NSLS and the Advanced, Photon Source.
Professional Experience
- Columbia University, New York, NY
- APAM Department Chair (July 2012 - Present)
- Professor of Materials Science and Engineering (2004 - Present)
- Adjunct Professor (1985 - 2004)
- International Business Machines Corporation, Yorktown Heights, NY
- Research Consultant (2004 - Present)
- Research Staff Member (1985 - 2004)
- Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Postdoctoral Researcher (1983 - 1985)