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Office of International Programs
Courtyard of University College Cork

Credit Transfer, Billing, and Payment

Learn more about the credit transfer process, billing information, and deadlines for different programs offered by Seton Hall and Third Party Programs.

Credit Transfer Process

All Seton Hall students studying abroad on a non-Seton Hall program are required to submit a Credit Transfer Form before leaving for their program. Click here for detailed instructions.

 Students are required to meet with and obtain signatures from the dean of their department, the chair of their program, their academic advisor, and the chair of the department for any course they are taking abroad for Seton Hall credit outside of their major. Once completed and signed by all required parties, this form serves as a guarantee that whatever courses the student takes abroad will count towards their graduation requirements at Seton Hall. Students should also use this form to indicate whether they will be taking their university-issued laptop with them abroad. 

Once students select their courses and gain the proper signatures, they will submit it to the Office of International Programs, where our office will confirm that the form is properly filled out and pass it on to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will then instruct students to drop their courses for the semester before they register all students for the 15-credit Study Abroad Placer Course so that they maintain their full-time status.

Billing and Payment

Both Semester and Third Party students will be registered for different placer courses. Students who are attending Seton Hall Semester Program will be registered in a course that will allow a bill to be created, and they should pay their Seton Hall bill as they would any other semester. Students attending Third Party Programs should NOT receive or pay a bill to Seton Hall for their experience apart from the mandatory fees all study abroad students are required to pay. All billing for tuition and housing should go through the Third Party Provider.


Once a student has completed their program abroad, they will need to request a transcript from the institution that they studied with. Please note that Seton Hall requires a School of Record Transcript from an accredited institution in order to transfer credits. This often requires an additional fee from Third Party Programs. Seton Hall only accepts transfer credits from other institutions if the student completed the course with the satisfactory grade of 'C' (for Undergraduate Students) or 'B' (for Graduate Students). Transfer credits have no effect on the student's GPA. All transcripts must be sent to the Office of the Registrar. Once a transcript is received, the credits will be evaluated and added to their Seton Hall record.