U.S. News Rankings Place Seton Hall University’s Online Education Leadership in Top 17 Percent
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
For 2023, the program ranked 58 out of 338 programs at colleges and universities across the United States that met the criteria for inclusion. The ranking puts Seton Hall in the top 17 percent of all online master's-level education leadership programs. Recognized as the 2nd among all Catholic colleges, Seton Hall's M.A./Ed.S. program holds the same ranking overall in New Jersey.

Graduates of Seton Hall's education leadership programs are making an impact as curriculum supervisors, principals and superintendents in school districts around the country.
"We are extremely proud that the online education leadership program has been recognized with this prestigious ranking, which is indicative of the vision, heart and hard work of our faculty, staff and students," explains Joseph Martinelli, Ed.D., who is slated to become the interim dean of the newly configured and combined colleges of education and human services and communication and the arts at Seton Hall.
The national online program in education leadership offers both master's and education specialist tracks and has drawn talented educators from around the country for more than two decades.
One of the first online programs of its kind in the U.S., the M.A./Ed.S. in Ed Leadership, is highly regarded for integrating the flexibility of remote learning with a strong sense of community built around small class sizes and direct connections among students, and between students and their instructors.
Recently, the program has added new faculty who have a high level of expertise leading schools and school districts. The College also brought innovation into the program's structure, creating a mix of synchronous and asynchronous classes, and scheduling virtual meet ups so students can connect with their professors, academic advisors, as well as their classmates.

Program Director James Corino, Ed.D., a former superintendent himself, believes flexibility and community contribute to the program's success.
Classes are taught by faculty and instructors who are affiliated with the University and have experience in PreK-12 leadership. "The program is highly personalized," explains Director, James Corino, Ed.D., "which allows instructors to get to know their students and their career aspirations." Guest speakers frequently join classes to bring an added dimension of subject area expertise to the classroom. Students intern at schools, as required by the State of New Jersey, and are mentored by principals or other school leaders, expanding their network even further.
Professors and advisors are highly focused on helping students succeed in acquiring new positions and advancing their careers after earning their graduate degrees. Dr. Corino adds, "We have the best preparation in terms of school leaders. The reputation of our programs in education leadership, management and policy is unparalleled in the state."
An added hallmark of the program is the varied background of students in the program, reflecting the diversity of students they will be working with as school and district administrators. The semester does not follow a traditional college schedule, to help make things easier for students who are often teachers or working in education in another capacity. Classes may start later in the semester and are delivered over 7 to 12 weeks. All courses and instructors are vetted through Quality Matters to ensure efficacy and that learning objectives are aligned with the curriculum.
The College of Education and Human Services (CEHS) is an educator preparation provider (EPP) accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). In addition to CAEP accreditation for the unit, individual programs related to K-12 education are nationally recognized by their professional associations: social studies education (NCSS), instructional design and technology (ISTE), school library media specialist (ISTE), and education leadership (NELP).
Categories: Education