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College of Human Development, Culture, and Media

CommArts Hosts Virtual Orientation for Incoming Graduate Students  

A female student working on a laptop.Each year, the M.A. in Museum Professions candidates. While traditionally an on-campus event, this year students were welcomed virtually on August 20th through Microsoft Teams. During orientation, the deans, administration, and faculty of the College continued the annual tradition of introducing themselves to new students and sharing resources, policies, expectations, and other valuable information.

To begin the morning, Brittany Scoles, M.A., Director of CASE and Graduate Administration invited the new students to participate in an introductory activity to facilitate conversation. Students were asked to send an emoji in the chat-box that represented their feelings of beginning graduate studies. "After students were asked to introduce themselves and explain why they picked their emoji, they became more comfortable with turning their cameras on and participating in the virtual meeting environment that may not have been familiar to them," said Scoles.

Scoles introduced founding Gregory Stevens, M.A.T. After each gave short introductions and overviews of expectations, Scoles proceeded with a short policy and procedure presentation featuring campus resources designed to support student success. This included learning about PirateNet, BlackBoard, Compass, offices on campus, and student support resources like OWL, the Walsh Library, CAPS, and Disability Services. Lastly, students were introduced to CAGSA, the CommArts Graduate Student Association, a student led association dedicated to facilitating community within the cohort and assisting with socializing, academics, and networking.

Following a short break, Renee Robinson, Ph.D., and Gregory Stevens, M.A.T., presented expectations of graduate-level students, emphasizing words like agency, engagement, accountability, self-direction, and flexibility. Students were divided into breakout sessionsby program, where explanations of their program, best practices for success, and faculty expectations were shared in detail. New graduate students were invited to ask questions during this time and share their personal goals.

Student participants indicated that they found orientation to be helpful, engaging, and informative, and appreciated the early acquaintance faculty and peers.

The College currently offers College of Communication and the Arts, please contact Dr. Ryan Hudes.

Categories: Arts and Culture

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