Academic Success
Upon joining the School of Diplomacy community, you become what we like to call #diploforlife. Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, we will support you in achieving academic and professional success by partnering with you in a process of mutual investment over the course of your Seton Hall career and beyond. This page serves as an introduction to our advising resources. See additional University resources here. We are here to help you make the most of your Diplomacy experience by providing information, answering questions, and making referrals to School and University partners ready to walk with you on the path towards realizing your goals.
Undergraduate and Graduate Advising
All Diplomacy students are assigned to faculty and staff advisors based on their academic program and their specialization interests. To confirm your advisor name, contact Dr. Phil Moremen, Chair, at [email protected].
Faculty members are keeping office hours via Microsoft Teams. Check your syllabi for schedules or inquire with your professor.
- Appointments are scheduled by contacting the advisor directly. Forty-eight hours of advanced notice is recommended. See staff directories.
- Office Hours are posted on faculty doors and maintained by Susan Malcolm. If you report to a professor’s office hours and are unable to connect with them, contact Susan Malcolm for assistance.
In order to get the most out of the advising process, it is recommended that you examine your own academic progress and view the online course schedules before meeting with your advisor or attending one of the open advising sessions. In addition, we encourage you to check Banner in advance of the registration period in order to make sure there are no holds on your account that would prevent you from registering.
Learn more about the registration process, undergraduate and graduate registration schedules, and resources on securing text books.
Course Catalogues and Frequently Offered Courses
Course catalogues, including approved undergraduate and graduate Seton Hall courses and their corresponding descriptions, are produced annually by the University.
Since these guides include courses that are offered with varying degrees of frequency, you may wish to review the School of Diplomacy's undergraduate and graduate frequently offered courses list, updated every five years.
The School of Diplomacy produces a weekly electronic newsletter for students, faculty and staff which highlights important School and University news, upcoming events and opportunities relevant to Diplomacy students. This newsletter is sent every Monday during the academic year, and periodically during the summer.f you are registered as a Diplomacy student or Diplomacy minor and are not receiving the Diplomacy E-News, please contact Susan Malcolm to confirm your place on our mailing distribution list.
Program Audit Worksheets
Diplomacy students are responsible for monitoring their own academic progress and consulting with their advisors to complete their program requirements for graduation. You may view your completed courses and associated grades by logging into your PirateNet account and selecting Degree Progress Tracker.
In preparation for meetings and discussions with your academic advisor, you should complete the program audit worksheet relevant to you and be prepared to share it. When applying for graduation, you need to have completed your audit worksheet and submit it to Dr. Edwards, by the same date the Registrar requires your university application to graduate. The audit worksheets can be completed electronically or printed. See all program audit worksheets:
Audit Worksheets
Declaring a Major/Minor or Graduate Specialization
Students can request to change their major/minor and graduate specializations/concentrations
online. Requests will be forwarded to the Deans for approval. Declaration of majors/minors
other than Diplomacy will be forwarded to the appropriate department or college. Graduate
students, including Dual-Degree students, do not require approval to declare or change
their specializations/concentrations, but are encouraged to meet with their advisors
or specialization directors before doing so.
1. Log into Pirate Net
2. Click on Self-Service Banner
3. Click on Student and Financial Aid
4. Click on Student Records
5. Click on Request to Change Major/Minor/Concentration
Policies and Procedures
View the School of Diplomacy Seton Hall Policies and Procedures
Online Studies
The online studies experience at the School of Diplomacy features the same high-quality instruction, covers the same topics and are taught by the same award-winning faculty as our on-campus programs. You'll have the added flexibility and convenience of online learning, and be fully engaged with our community.
Internships and Career Development
The School of Diplomacy is committed to your professional development and pleased to host a Director of Internships and Career Development to work exclusive with Diplomacy students. The Directors offer individual appointments, group workshops, career planning and search strategies, and more. Learn more about these offices and the tools and services they provide:
Prestigious Fellowships
Learn more about external scholarships and fellowships requiring University candidate sponsorship by visiting this page or contacting Dr. Matthew Escobar, Fellowship Adviser and Director, Latin American and Latino/a Studies Program, at [email protected].
Academic Programs
View Diplomacy academic programs:
- Diplomacy Undergraduate Programs
- Diplomacy Graduate Programs
- UN Summer Program
- Semester in Washington, D.C.
Other Seton Hall academic programs:
Schedules and Calendars
University Resources
- Academic Resource Center
Free services include peer tutoring, individual appointments, online resources, group workshops and more. - Counseling Services
- IT Resources
- Registrar
The Office of the Registrar offers students an array of services which include registration, transcript services, student status verification, degree audit information and updates of personal information. The Office of the Registrar manages Banner Student Self-Service, which provides students a variety of on- line functions. - Bursar/Tuition Information
- Financial Aid and Veterans Benefits
- Health Services
- Disability Support Services
- Meeting Your Basic Needs
Helping to meet the basic needs of our students has a direct impact on the overall well-being and their ultimate academic success. That is the purpose of this website – to connect students with the resources, both on-campus and off-campus, to help them when they need it. Find tools on safety and security needs of all kinds - food, housing, and financial security, as well as mental, physical and spiritual wellness, crisis resolution and more. - Office of International Programs