Office of the Bursar
The Office of the Bursar is primarily responsible for the preparation of student bills, the processing of student payments, assisting with the Tuition Payment Plan, Third Party Billing, Outside Scholarships, the processing of refunds, deposits to departmental accounts, collection of past due accounts and consolidation and payments of Perkins Loans for completed students.
Electronic Billing (eBill)
Seton Hall University utilizes electronic billing as the official means of distributing student bills. Each time a bill is available, an e-mail will be sent to student's SHU e-mail account as well as to a designated third party if provided. Learn more about Seton Hall billing and payment information »
Tax Form 1098T
Form 1098-T are sent in January to students at SHU for whom any financial activity has occurred during the last calendar year to assist in determining eligibility to claim an income tax credit. Learn more about 1098T Tuition Statement Information »
Payment Information
Prior to beginning the semester, all students must ensure that all financial responsibilities to the University are satisfied. As payment of accounts at Seton Hall usually involves both financial aid and direct payments, it is necessary for all students to handle these matters before returning to campus. Learn more about tuition payment information »
Tuition and Fees
View the University tuition and fees for the current academic year.
Withdrawing from the University
Information regarding withdrawal from the University can be found here »
Third Party Payments
If tuition is being paid for by a third party or sponsoring company, you can review the instructions for payment found here. »