Refugees and Migrants: A Catholic Perspective
Monday, October 9th, 2017
Exclusion or Embrace? What is Catholicism saying about the plight of migrants and refugees? On Wednesday, October 18 from 4-7 p.m. in the Beck Rooms of the Walsh Library, Todd Scribner of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will discuss and assess recent debates on migration and the global refugee crisis.
As recent events have called attention to the plight of migrants and refugees, the U.S. bishops and other Catholic leaders have become increasingly outspoken and have argued for policies consistent with Catholic teachings.
Dr. Todd Scribner will explore some of the recent debates on migration and clarify some of the theological, ethical, and social underpinnings that underlay these debates and the U.S. Bishops' approach to the global refugee crisis.
About the speaker:
Dr. Todd Scribner works at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Department
of Migration and Refugee Services as the education coordinator. He is co-editor of
a book on immigration and has written extensively on the subject in academic journals
and popular magazines.
This lecture is in conjunction with Global Ethics Day of the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Relations and is sponsored by the Department of Religion, Department of History, and the University Core.