Transfer Applicants
Applying to Seton Hall as a transfer student is easy and you will get the personal attention you deserve. We know you have worked hard for your credits and we do not want you to lose time or money. That’s why we accept up to 90 transferable credits as long as you have earned a C or better in non-remedial, non-vocational courses. Admitted students receive personalized academic advisement and degree planning assistance through our Transfer Center.
If you would like to see which of your credits will transfer to Seton Hall, please use our Transfer Course Equivalency tool.
Transfer Application Deadlines
- Fall (Priority Consideration): June 1
- Fall (Regular Decision): August 1
- Spring: December 1
How Seton Hall identifies a Transfer Student
An incoming transfer student is defined as a student who has attempted 6 or more credits after high school graduation. If during the first semester of the student’s enrollment in at least 6 credits at another institution (after high school graduation), the student withdraws from courses within the first few weeks (with no failing or incomplete grades on their transcript), this student will still be considered a transfer student. However, no credits or GPA will be available. In this instance, the Transfer Counselor may determine if a transfer scholarship can be assessed without a transfer GPA.
You can apply using Seton Hall's Online Application. The application fee is $65 (non-refundable).