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Seton Hall University

Policy on Tuition Remission Benefit


Seton Hall University provides a tuition remission benefit for study at Seton Hall University.  The following is a description of the program and includes information on eligibility, requirements for participation, exclusions and related topics.

Responsibility for the interpretation and administration of the tuition remission policy resides with the Department of Human Resources and the decision of that office is final.   The University reserves the right to amend the policy at any time.


This policy is a University policy and applies to all benefit eligible faculty, and all full-time and part-time staff and administrators who meet eligibility requirements.




  1. All regular full-time and part-time employees, including members of the faculty, Priests and Religious Brothers and Sisters, administrators and staff, are eligible for tuition remission benefits. Eligibility for employees begins with the semester or session following three (3) months of continuous full-time employment or five hundred (500) hours of continuous part-time employment. Eligibility for spouses and dependents of employees begins with the semester or session following the employee’s completion of six (6) months of continuous full-time employment or one thousand (1,000) hours of continuous part-time employment.  All part-time employees hired after January 1, 2015 must work a minimum of nine hundred and ten (910) hours annually to maintain eligibility. See also:  Section VII.
  2. Priests serving on the Board of Regents or the Board of Trustees are eligible for tuition remission benefits.    
  3. Spouses and dependent children of University employees who are themselves employees of the University shall have their eligibility for tuition remission determined exclusively on the basis of their own employment.  
  4. Adjunct   faculty, temporary   workers, consultants, leased   and/or   contracted individuals and any other individuals who are not included in Section I, number 1 above, are not eligible for tuition remission benefits.


  1. The tuition remission benefit is the cost of tuition only.  
  2. The cost of textbooks, registration, housing deposit, room and board, tuition deposit for freshmen and transfer students, and any and all other costs, charges and fees, including the doctoral continuation, the mobile computing and the technology fees, are the responsibility of the student and must be paid when due. Any penalties associated with late submission of application forms and any other documents are the responsibility of the student.  
  3. Tuition remission does not cover any programs that are designated as fee-based or all-inclusive (programs that cover fees, housing, meals and/or any other charges as part of the overall tuition charge).    
  4. Tuition remission does not cover study abroad courses.  
  5. Tuition remission does not cover courses given at other institutions, though they may be listed in the University Catalogue.  Only courses offered at, and for which tuition is charged by Seton Hall University are eligible for coverage under the tuition remission benefit.  
  6. All applicants for tuition remission benefits must meet all admission requirements and complete all required applications and other registration procedures within the established timeframes.  
  7. The tuition remission application process is an online form accessed through PirateNet.  Employees select the course(s) to which the tuition remission benefit is to be applied.  In addition, employees who have written approval from their supervisors have the option to select “job-related” or not and “lunch hour waiver” or not (see III 10) for their course(s).  Employees have until the end of the Add/Drop Period to complete the online application process for themselves, their spouses and/or their dependent children.  The Human Resources Department evaluates all requests for courses to be considered “job-related” and will make a final determination in consultation with Finance if a selected course is “job-related” per the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.  “Job-related” must be determined prior to the start of the course.   
  8. Tuition remission cannot be approved retroactively for courses taken during previous semesters.  
  9. By accepting the tuition remission benefit, recipients authorize the release of their grades by Enrollment Management to the Associate Vice President (AVP) for Human Resources or designee within thirty (30) days of the close of the academic semester or session.  
  10. Tuition remission does not cover the cost of tuition for courses that a student is required, or elects to, repeat.   
  11. Students who receive an “incomplete” and who do not complete the coursework within the timeframes established by Enrollment Management will be responsible for paying the tuition for that course prior to registering for the next semester or session.  
  12. Tuition remission does not cover the cost of tuition for courses that a student fails or from which a student withdraws after the deadline established by Enrollment Management.  
  13. In the event of a grade of D or F or late withdrawal from any course(s), the student shall pay the cost of full tuition for such course(s) to the University.  A “hold” will be placed on the student’s account and he/she will not be eligible to register for additional classes until all charges have been paid and the student’s account is current.    
  14. Emergency withdrawals for appropriately documented reasons such as health, family illness or hardship may relieve the student of the obligation to pay for the course(s). Students must submit a written request with supporting documentation for a waiver of tuition to the AVP for Human Resources or designee as soon as the emergency situation is known but no later than immediately following withdrawal from the course(s).  
  15. When an employee separates from the University for any reason other than because of total disability, retirement or death, the tuition remission benefit terminates immediately for the employee and his/her spouse and dependents.  Tuition must be paid to the University in accordance with guidelines established by Enrollment Management if the former employee, or his/her spouse or dependent wishes to continue attending classes.  
  16. When students using tuition remission are granted other sources of funding, the University will apply the tuition remission benefit as follows:
    i.    State and federal regulations will govern the distribution of all awards.
    ii.    Should the student be the recipient of a state, federal, or private scholarship or grant, the full amount must be deposited to the student’s account.
    iii.    The tuition remission benefit will be applied after all other financial aid that covers tuition only, including state grants, scholarships and other sources of award, have been applied.
    iv.    Under no circumstances can the tuition remission benefit be applied towards any expense other than tuition.
    v.    When scholarships, discounts or grants funded by Seton Hall University have been awarded for tuition, those monies must be applied to tuition expenses before the tuition remission benefit will be applied. 
    vi.    In no case will a combination of awards funded by Seton Hall University and the tuition remission benefit result in a refund to the student.
  17. Tuition remission benefits may be considered taxable income in accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.  Employees should obtain advice from a qualified tax advisor as to their reporting and deductibility of educational expenses for themselves, spouses and/or their dependents.
  18. The AVP for Human Resources and the VP for Enrollment Management, or designee, will review University records for compliance with this policy.   Students found to be in violation will have tuition remission benefits suspended for a twelve-month (12) period beginning with the semester following the semester in which the violation was found, and will be responsible for reimbursing the University for any tuition remission for which they were not eligible.  
  19. In addition to the general information and requirements outlined above, the recipient of the tuition remission benefit may be subject to other requirements outlined below in this policy.


  1. 1.    Employees who have satisfied all eligibility requirements may enroll for courses and receive tuition remission for undergraduate or graduate courses.  
    i.    For doctoral courses, employees receive tuition remission equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the current tuition rate per credit.    
    ii.    For courses taken at Seton Hall University School of Law, employees receive tuition remission equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the current tuition rate per credit for master’s courses and fifty percent (50%) of the current tuition rate per credit for J.D. courses.
    iii.    Courses offered by the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University are not eligible for the tuition remission benefit.   
  2. Employees may take undergraduate and graduate courses on a matriculated or non- matriculated basis, subject to the University’s policies as outlined in the respective Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogues.  
  3. For all doctoral programs, no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of all cohorts may be employees of the University.   
  4. Employees are required to receive a grade of “C” or better in order to receive the tuition remission benefit.  When a class is taken on a “pass/fail” basis, the employee must "pass" the course in order to receive the benefit.  
  5. Employees seeking only certification credit while enrolled in classes in a degree granting program are permitted to use tuition remission.  However, tuition remission will not cover the cost of any Continuing Education classes or other similar such non-degree earning offerings.  
  6. Tuition remission may be used to “audit” a course; however, tuition remission will not cover the course should the student also take it for credit.  Courses that are taken on an audit basis are included in the total number of credits that may be taken in any one semester or session.  
  7. Tuition remission is limited to no more than two classes (maximum of eight (8) credits) during any spring or fall semester.  During intersessions and summer sessions, limits are as follows: no class dates may overlap among sessions by more than three (3) days.  Additionally, the total credits for any twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1 and ending on June 30 of the following year may not exceed twenty-one (21) credits.    
  8. Requests for more credits than permitted under this policy must be submitted in writing no later than two (2) weeks before the University’s application deadline to the AVP for Human Resources or designee.  The request for additional credits must have the written approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor and division head.  Permission for a maximum of three (3) classes in any one semester or session may be granted when:
    i.    additional credits are needed to graduate in that particular semester; or
    ii.    the additional credits are needed to satisfy a graduate program Residency Requirement; or
    iii.    the courses are not being offered again prior to the individual’s scheduled date of graduation; and
    iv.    it is determined that the employee’s job performance and the fulfillment of the needs of the department will not be adversely affected by the additional course work.
  9. Employees who register for more credits than permitted under this policy without prior written approval from the AVP for Human Resources will be responsible for paying the tuition for the additional credits.  
  10. Employees shall not take classes during their regularly scheduled work hours.  However, employees are permitted to use the lunch hour to attend class if the “lunch hour waiver” has been approved by the supervisor prior to the start of the semester using the approved “lunch hour waiver” procedures (as described in the employee handbook).  Additionally, online classes and/or programs may not be taken during an employee’s regularly scheduled work hours, unless using the approved “lunch hour waiver” procedures.
  11. Supervisors may not alter work schedules to accommodate classes.  
  12. In no instance may an employee’s class schedule interfere with the employee’s regular University duties.   When there is a potential conflict, the employee’s work duties take precedence.


  1. Dependent children of eligible full- time and part-time employees may apply for full tuition for full-time or part-time undergraduate study.   Tuition remission is not granted to children for any courses being applied toward a graduate degree.  
  2. Employees who were hired prior to September 1, 2000, and whose eligible dependents were born before September 1, 2000, may also apply for tuition remission equal to fifty percent (50%) of the current tuition rate per credit at Seton Hall University School of Law.  Tuition remission is not granted to children for graduate courses other than at the Law School.  
  3. To be eligible, children (by birth, marriage or legal adoption) must meet the federal government’s definition of dependency as used when applying for financial aid, which includes, among other criteria that a child must be under the age of 24 and unmarried.  
  4. Children must also be dependent upon the employee for support as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  The parent’s or legal guardian’s Federal Income Tax Return and the dependent child’s birth certificate, along with a signed HR affidavit form must be presented to HR prior to the benefit being utilized.   
  5. To obtain this benefit, the dependent child(ren) of the employee must meet the general guidelines in section II of this policy, and must:
    i.    Be fully matriculated; and
    ii.    Maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the program in which the student is enrolled for academic year.
  6. The employee and dependent child(ren) must complete an application for tuition remission and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year, and fulfill all requirements and deadlines in applying for federal and state grant aid.  Tuition remission will not cover loss of federal and/or state aid due to missed deadlines or incomplete applications.  
  7. Should a dependent child be matriculated at another college or university, the AVP for Human Resources may approve full tuition remission for courses taken at Seton Hall during the May and summer sessions if these courses are required for the undergraduate degree at the primary institution.  A letter from the primary institution should be forwarded to the AVP for Human Resources stating the above criteria prior to the beginning of session.  
  8. The number of credits covered by the tuition remission program is limited to the number required by the course of undergraduate study or one hundred thirty (130) credits, whichever is less.


  1. Tuition remission will be provided in accordance with this policy for the brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews (who are dependents of their parents or legal guardians) of priests, religious brothers and sisters assigned to Seton Hall University.  In order to be eligible for this benefit, the priest, religious brother or sister while employed must receive compensation, either salary or stipend, at a level normally paid the religious, or as established by the Archdiocese of Newark.    
  2. Tuition remission will be provided in accordance with this policy for brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews (who are dependents of their parents or legal guardians) of priests serving on the Board of Regents or the Board of Trustees.  
  3. Relatives of Priests and religious brothers and sisters hired after September 1, 2000, with a lay equivalent salary will not be eligible for the tuition remission benefit.


  1. The spouse of an eligible employee who has satisfied all eligibility requirements may enroll for courses and receive one hundred percent (100%) tuition remission for undergraduate courses. Spouses may enroll for courses and receive fifty percent (50%) of the current tuition rate per credit for master’s courses.  Spouses are not eligible for tuition remission for doctoral courses. 
    i.    To obtain this benefit, the spouse of an employee must meet the general guidelines in Section I of this policy.
    ii.    The University requires a copy of the marriage certificate and a completed eligibility verification certificate before providing the tuition benefit.
  2. Spouses also are eligible to receive tuition remission equal to fifty percent (50%) of the current tuition rate per credit at Seton Hall University School of Law for master’s courses only.  Spouses are not eligible for tuition remission for J.D. courses at the Seton Hall University School of Law.  
  3. Courses offered by the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University are not eligible for the tuition remission benefit.   
  4. Spouses may attend on a full-time or part-time basis as long as he/she is fully matriculated.  


  1. For employees hired prior to September 1, 2000, the University will provide tuition remission as described above for the employee, spouse and unmarried dependent children of eligible employees upon termination of employment due to death, total disability, or retirement as defined in the employee handbook.  
  2. For employees hired after September 1, 2000, the University will provide tuition remission as outlined below for the employee, spouse and unmarried dependent children of eligible employees upon termination of employment due to death, total disability, or retirement, as defined in the employee handbook.
    i.    Employees with five (5) or more years of service will retain the tuition remission benefit upon termination of employment due to total disability and/or retirement, as defined in the employee handbook.
    ii.    The spouse and eligible children of totally disabled, retired or deceased eligible employees with at least five (5) years of service (or 9,100 hours for a part-time employee) at Seton Hall University will retain the tuition remission benefit.  To be eligible, the spouse, and/or child, must have been a legal dependent at the time of the employee’s total disability, retirement or death and must meet all eligibility requirements as defined in Section IV.
    iii.    Tuition remission for the spouse and eligible children of totally disabled, retired or deceased eligible employees with less than five (5) years of service is restricted to those students who are already enrolled in classes and receiving the benefit at the time of the employee’s retirement, death or disability.

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources



Initially adopted and approved on September 1, 2000. Amended and approved by Joseph Nyre, Ph.D., President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on September 5, 2019. Further amended and approved by Joseph Nyre, Ph.D., President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on December 14, 2021.

Effective Date

September 1st, 2000 First Amended: September 5, 2019. Next Amended: December 14, 2021.