Solicitation Policy
The solicitation policy further defines what/if any solicitation is permitted in University residence halls.
University Policy
Solicitation: shall include, canvassing, soliciting or seeking to obtain membership in or support for any organization, requesting contributions, and posting or distributing any materials on University property or using University resources. "Commercial Solicitation" means peddling or otherwise selling, purchasing or offering goods and services for sale or purchase, distributing advertising materials, circulars or product samples, or engaging in any other conduct relating to any outside business interests or for profit or personal economic benefit on University property or using University resources. Solicitation and Commercial Solicitation is not permissible without direct consent from the University.
Students, Campus Guests, Visitors agree to not solicit on or in any campus building including university property.
Students, Campus Departments may seek approval from Housing and Residence Life to post a flier or pamphlet. However, permission is not guaranteed. Hanging of signs will be done by Housing and Residence Life staff unless otherwise authorized. Improperly hung fliers or pamphlets will be removed if found.
Solicitation/Commercial Solicitation of outside businesses, events, petitions, and memberships etc. are not permitted on residence hall property (in or outside of the residence halls). If found, these will be removed immediately.
Related Policies
Responsible Offices
- Department of Housing and Residence Life
Dr. Shawna Cooper-Gibson, Vice President of Student Services
Effective Date
January 9th, 2020