Purchasing Policy Overview
This is a statement of Seton Hall University purchasing policy and procedure overview as it relates to the procurement of goods and services at the University and in how to conduct business with the University Procurement Department. It is applicable to all University employees. Its purpose is the following:
To furnish guidelines as to the mission of the Procurement Department and the preferred methods to be used by all employees when procuring goods and services for the University.
University Policy
The mission of the Procurement Department of the Office of AVP, Finance is to assist the University community in obtaining maximum value at minimum cost for purchase of goods and services and to then further assist the community by paying for the goods and services in a timely and accurate way. In order to work with the Procurement Department effectively, take note of the following procedures:
University departments may entertain discussions with any vendor, but if they require assistance, they should contact Procurement. In conducting business with any vendor though, no business transactions should be entered into without following University Competitive Bidding Policy.
In order of preference, the ways in which a department should procure goods and services are as follows:
- Utilizing a departmental credit card.
- Utilizing the Purchase Order process.
- Utilizing the Check Requisition process.
- Utilizing the Travel and Expense Reimbursement process (if applicable).
The dollar value of purchases made by all processes above will determine the signature authorization required. The University's approval process is as follows:
- Level 1 – Cost Center Manager – authorized to approve up to and including $1,000.00
- Level 2 – Budget Center Manager – authorized to approve up to and including $10,000.00
- Level 3 – President or Member of Executive Cabinet (or designee) – authorized to approve over $10,000.01*
* If a higher-level signature has been obtained, lower level signature is not required.
As provided in the annual budget, funds are available to expend for purposes that are specifically approved by the Board of Regents. It is the responsibility of each Budget Center and Cost Center manager to understand the budget in detail and to ensure that all expenditures and commitments of funds are proper and do not exceed limits established for each budget.
Approval Authority: Requirements
- All documents related to purchase commitments; payments or reimbursements must have a dated signature.
- Payments will be made based on properly approved documentation. The requirements for approvals are based on the amount and are listed in this section.
- Individuals with approval authority cannot approve reimbursements of travel and entertainment expenses for themselves. Approvals must be obtained at a higher level.
- Approval authority signatures and documentation are reviewed by Purchasing or Accounting Department personnel before any transactions take place.
Approval Procedure for Purchase Requisitions for Over $25,000
All purchase requests for goods or services involving contracts or leases over $25,000 must follow procedure as determined in University Contract Policy found here.
Responsible Offices
- Procurement
This policy was approved by the University Board of Regents on July 1, 2007.
Effective Date
July 1st, 2007