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Seton Hall University

Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9)


Seton Hall University is committed to complying with federal laws and regulations
concerning verification of employment eligibility and record keeping for employees hired to work in the United States. To this end, certain members of Seton Hall University have been designated to assist the University in such compliance. Anyone with questions regarding any aspect of employment and/or identity verification should contact Human Resources.


In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 ("IRCA"), Seton Hall University must verify employment eligibility of employees. Employment eligibility must be documented using the federal Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form, and eligibility must be verified for each employee. The documents used by the employee to substantiate employment eligibility must be inspected for propriety and authenticity, and an authorized university representative must sign the I-9 form. The IRCA does not apply to employees hired prior to November 7, 1986, who have been continuously on the university's payroll since that date. The Department of Human Resources is responsible for managing the employment verification process. The IRCA stipulates that the employment verification process be completed in person, and that verification be completed within three working days of the beginning of employment. Penalties for non-compliance can be significant. The procedures described below enable the university to comply with requirements of IRCA.



  1. Upon acceptance of an offer of employment or within three working days of the first day of employment departments must send faculty, administrators, and staff to Human Resources to have employment eligibility verified. Upon request from a department, the AVP of Human Resources may delegate responsibility for verification of employment eligibility; such departments shall typically have a high level of hiring activity. 
  2. Only authorized personnel in departments with delegated authority may sign form I-9 on behalf of the university. Individuals with such authority must receive training on form I-9 reporting requirements and identification of falsified identification. The Department of Human Resources will provide such training and maintain a list of employees authorized to approve I-9 forms.
  3. I-9 forms and copies of the acceptable documents that were reviewed by the departments must be sent to the Department of Human Resources. The Department of Human Resources will review the I-9 forms for completeness. 
  4. To assist with the collection process, the Department of Human Resources will be available for verification of employment eligibility at events such as orientation sessions for new faculty and staff.
  1. Hiring managers may not allow employees to work before ensuring that required I-9 documentation will be received within three working days of date of hire.
  2. If employment eligibility is not verified by the third day of employment, employees shall be taken off the work schedule immediately, until documentation is received. The Department of Human Resources, in partnership with Payroll, reserves the right to temporarily suspend direct deposit of paychecks in an effort to facilitate the completion of I-9 documentation. Continued failure of the employee to submit the required I-9 documentation will result in termination.
  3. The Department of Human Resources will produce quarterly reports listing active employees whose I-9 documentation has expired. The Department of Human Resources will be responsible for following-up on non-compliance with personnel liaisons and directly with employees as needed.

Departments that fail to comply with this policy shall be responsible for any fines that may be levied against the University.

The University reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources



Approved by the Department of Human Resources.

Effective Date

December 1st, 2007