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College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Physics

The Department provides students with a comprehensive grounding in the natural laws of physics governing the behavior of energy and matter. Students majoring in physics may choose from the following options:

Undergraduate Programs

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Physics
    An option for students seeking a comprehensive education to be followed by additional graduate education in physics or in related fields of science, engineering, technology, or mathematics. It is also the appropriate track for those who intend to seek employment in private industry or in the public sector with local or federal governmental agencies. 

  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Physics
    This degree curriculum supplemented with additional coursework in education or a secondary Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.E.) major is the option for those seeking careers as elementary or secondary teachers in public, parochial, or private schools.

  • Minor in Physics

Dual Degree Programs

  • B.S., Physics/M.S., Engineering or Artificial Intelligence
    Ideal for technically oriented students, this five-year program is conducted jointly with Stevens Institute of Technology and leads to a B.S. degree in physics from Seton Hall University and an M.S. degree in mechanical and electrical engineering from Stevens. We are also in the process of developing programs in chemical engineering, civil engineering, software engineering, computer engineering, materials science and engineering, and industrial engineering.

  • B.A. or B.S., Physics/M.S., Data Science
    This 3+2 program for students complements the extensive analytical and mathematical background students obtain in their undergraduate studies by further enhancing their computational knowledge. Students can earn either B.S. or B.A. in Physics and an M.S. in Data Science within an additional year. The program is designed to prepare students to be skilled and thoughtful data scientists, skilled in data management and processing; analyzing business and scientific processes; and communicating findings for effective decision making.

  • B.S. Physics/M.S. Applied Physics and Engineering
    This 3+2 program for students complements the extensive analytical and mathematical background students obtain in their undergraduate studies by further enhancing their computational knowledge. Students can earn either B.S. or B.A. in Physics and an M.S. in Data Science within an additional year. The program is designed to prepare students to be skilled and thoughtful data scientists, skilled in data management and processing; analyzing business and scientific processes; and communicating findings for effective decision making.

Graduate Programs

  • M.S. in Applied Physics and Engineering
    Through a carefully crafted curriculum, the program is designed to meet the demands of the modern industry for young researchers – basic knowledge of advanced applied physics blended with engineering fields such as nanoscience and quantum engineering; renewal energy research; condensed matter physics; material science and more.

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