Office of Mission and Ministry
The Office of Mission and Ministry is charged with ensuring that Seton Hall fulfills its Catholic mission. The office oversees numerous initiatives, works to infuse Catholic values, faith and intellectual heritage throughout the University and helps promote the University's efforts at developing servant leaders.
The name of the Office of Mission and Ministry echoes the language of the Bible. The word “mission” comes from the Latin word for “sending.”In the Bible many persons are “sent” by God to accomplish particular tasks on His behalf, but Jesus especially is sent, as He said, “I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me” (John 8:42b). The word “ministry” derives from the Latin word for “service.” In the Bible also many persons serve at the behest of God, but especially Jesus who said about Himself, “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45b). Welcome to Mission and Ministry »
- Ex Corde Ecclesiae
On August 15, 1990, Pope John Paul II delivered this apostolic constitution on the value and future of Catholic universities. - Application of "Ex Corde Ecclesiae"
The Catholic Bishops of the United States issues this document as an outline for implementing Pope John Paul II's vision for Catholic universities. - University By-Laws
The purposes of the corporation are: the advancement of education for all persons who seek and qualify for the services of the corporation in the traditions of liberal arts education and the Judeo-Christian heritage. - University Mission Statement
Seton Hall University is a major Catholic university. In a diverse and collaborative environment it focuses on academic and ethical development. - SHU: A Catholic University
Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley, inspired by the example of Elizabeth Ann Seton, and those others who helped to found and carry on this University since 1856 believed in the Christian Creed as passed on by the Catholic community through the centuries. That Creed prompted their founding of this University. Read important excerpts »