The Laboratory of Electrophysics and Atmospheric Plasmas (L.E.A.P.) is an organization developed for the research and investigation of microplasmas and atmospheric-pressure plasma discharges. We are a small group of faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students - all of which share a common goal; to try and better understand the complex phenomenon that is plasma. By studying plasma discharges under varying conditions in a multitude of experiments, our experience affords us the opportunity to continually enrich the collective knowledge of the scientific community. Basic research is, and always will be, our overall objective. However, just as any research team would experience, this passion is stimulated by a secondary aim that our insight gained will ultimately lead either to the enhancement of existing technologies or the development of new technologies altogether. By exposing ourselves to the problems advanced-technology companies face we can better identify where the gap in scientific knowledge of physics and chemistry lie. This pseudo applied-physics/basic research framework is the platform on which we operate and has been the foundation for our success thus far. As any scientist would concur, basic research is always the first crucial step required in order to bring about any kind of advancement of technology. For these reasons we apply our efforts in hopes to bring about a positive change and better the world around us.