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Seton Hall University

Reported Cases v2

The health and safety of our students, faculty, priests, staff and administrators are of paramount importance. Known cases of COVID-19 among the Seton Hall community are shared below. Details are limited due for reasons of health privacy.

5 Day Average of New Cases: 0.2
Fall 2021 Positive Cases: 216
Fall 2021 Tests Administered: 2,316
Total Reported Cases* at Seton Hall University: 674
Total Tests* Administered: 15,843

* Figures represent cumulative cases since start of pandemic (March 1, 2020) and will also appear within each host community’s reported total figures. Last Updated:  Monday, November 8

The appropriate public health department officials and Seton Hall University’s Health Services are immediately notified of cases and gather all pertinent information from affected individuals. The University works to ensure to contact anyone who may need to be interviewed. 

Individuals who test positive are provided isolation protocol information, and contacts of infected individuals are provided quarantine information. The University also makes isolation and quarantine space available to resident students.

Resources on COVID-19

More information from the CDC