Facilities and Learning Spaces Updates and Frequently Asked Questions
As our understanding of COVID-19 evolves, Seton Hall works to update our plans and policies appropriately. The following frequently asked questions will be updated as new information becomes available.
Updates and Messages
Detailed Plans for Opening of Seton Hall Libraries
Detailed Plans for a Stage 1 Opening of Seton Hall Libraries
- Select circulation staff will process returns, quarantine returned materials for three days, and then reshelve.
- All other on-site admin/faculty/staff will prepare spaces for Stage 3; shifting chairs, removing soft seating, taping off desks.
- The Libraries will work with University IT Department to implement safety measures for the Information Commons.
- Acquisitions will work with incoming mail onsite and/or mail to home as practicable to reduce the number of employees on site.
- The gallery will be prepared for repurposing as a temporary classroom.
- Research self-checkout system to reduce person-to-person exchange of materials.
Detailed Plans for a Stage 2 Opening of Seton Hall Libraries
Walsh Library
Space & Social Distancing:
- Soft seating in the Information Commons will be removed or spread at least 6 feet apart.
- Elevator use will be restricted to 1 person traveling inside the car at any time. All chairs will be placed at least 6 feet apart.
- A plexiglas barrier will be installed at the circulation desk and other areas where face-to-face interaction will frequently occur.
- Any area where patrons queue (circulation desk, printers, elevators) will be clearly marked for social distancing in preparation for Stage 3.
- Modifications will be made to the entrance to the building, encouraging one entrance and one exit.
- Requirements for maximum occupancy will be determined with guidance from state and federal authorities.
- Hygiene stations will be strategically located throughout the building, as per state guidelines.
- Only one person will be allowed in the elevator at a time.
- The Libraries will consider designating certain stairwells for Up/Down.
- Health and hygiene reminders will be posted throughout the building.
- No food will be allowed in the library. Covered drinks will be allowed. Water fountains will be turned off except for the hydration station feature.
- Frequent sanitation of all areas of the library will be conducted by housekeeping per state guidelines.
- The Libraries will coordinate with IT for printing sanitation.
Removal/Handling of High-Touch Items:
- There will be a continued suspension of print magazines and newspapers. These materials will be removed from public spaces in preparation for Phase 2.
- The Libraries will have sanitizing wipes and spray available at each public workstation, with instructions for patrons to clean the keyboard and mouse before and after using the computer. Elevator buttons should be frequently cleaned, and users should be encouraged to wash/disinfect hands upon leaving an elevator, which could be done by placing hand sanitizing stations outside of the elevators.
Detailed Plans for a Stage 3 Opening of Seton Hall Libraries
Modification of Services at Walsh Library:
- Library hours of operation will be modified.
- No guest access will be allowed. Only Seton Hall students, faculty, and staff are permitted to enter the building.
- Library staff will encourage patrons to request physical materials via the Hold button feature in the catalog. Staff will have materials ready for pickup at either the Circulation desk or curbside pickup.
- One-to-one in-person reference consultations can be provided in special circumstances, provided faculty and patron wear appropriate PPE and maintain appropriate distance.
- Only two areas will be open for book checkouts: one at either end. Books are passed through lowered part of circulation desk.
- No food will be allowed in the library. Covered drinks will be allowed.
- Social distancing policies for patrons will be implemented and enforced.
- Group study rooms will be closed; social distancing of these spaces cannot be observed or enforced.
- Close or re-purpose the 24/7 room to ensure occupancy limits are not exceeded, and because social distancing of these spaces cannot be observed or enforced.
- Health and hygiene reminders will be posted throughout the building.
Special Collections and Gallery
Along with the general distancing and sanitation requirements described above, these specific steps will be taken in the Special Collections & Gallery area:
- Remove center of each long table, leaving 6 separate tables that can be used by 1 person each.
- Remove excess seating in conference room to allow for 6 researchers with spacing between them.
- Install 4 carrels along the Gallery side of hallway, which will be overseen by staff at the front desk of the archives reading room.
- Special Collections will require 24 hours between researchers, using a single collection, to allow for any contamination to dissipate from the materials. Delicate archival materials will not otherwise be sanitized in any way.
- Follow overall guidance for printing.
- Social distancing of all on-site work will be required.
Interprofessional Health Sciences (IHS) Library
Along with the general distancing and sanitation requirements described above, these specific steps will be taken at the IHS Library:
- Remove every other seat where applicable to maintain distancing. Remove couches.
- Individual study room doors should remain open to maintain air flow and also ensure that distancing is in effect.
- Large quiet study room will have seats removed to allow for social distancing.
- The IHS library common area will have a reduced density of PC workstations to ensure students and faculty are working at a safe distance, in accordance with social distancing rules.
- Signage will direct individual users to disinfect the terminals before and after usage; equipment will be provided to use for cleaning. Between uses, keyboards and mice will be cleaned and sanitized.
- Signage will be used to enforce social distancing at the printing station and other areas where patrons queue (including IT/AV service desk).
- The room-booking kiosk touchscreen will be turned off.
- Privacy shields will be installed at countertop seating areas where applicable.
- Specific entryways and exits into the library will be designated.
- The Print Reference Collection will be available, but books will be quarantined between use, following current recommendations and best evidence for print material sanitation (http://oc.lc/realm-news1-phase1).
Law School Library - Rodino Center
The information below highlights how the Rodino Center at Seton Hall Law is addressing the OSHE Restart Standards related to computer labs and libraries. (Computers are available for use inside the library facility.)
Social Distancing
- Furniture in the Rodino Center is being rearranged to meet social distancing guidelines and provide adequate space between tables, chairs, and other furniture. Excess furniture will be placed in storage until it can be returned to the space. Additional communal spaces have been added elsewhere in the building to account for reduced seating in the Rodino Center.
Sanitation Measures
- The Rodino Center will be cleaned on the same schedule as the rest of the law school building. Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizing stations, and plastic gloves will be available for use between cleanings. All patrons will be required to wear gloves and masks when using shared equipment, such as printers, keyboards, and computers. Signs about these requirements and general information about COVID-19 will be posted throughout the space. Staff will be given adequate break time for handwashing.
Curbside Pickup/Book Sanitization
- Patrons will be able to borrow items from the main collection once the Rodino Center re-opens. Patrons will be able to request items through the catalog. A staff member will retrieve the item and place it in a sealed, labeled bag. Items can be picked up/dropped off at the front of the library or, at the patron's request, the first-floor security desk. A three-day self-quarantine of items at home is recommended before use. All returned items will be quarantined for the recommended three days before being returned to the collection.
Accommodating Students Who Lack Adequate Technology
- Students at Seton Hall Law are required to have adequate technology at school and at home. Student Services and Financial Aid personnel are available to assist in these purchases when necessary. A limited number of computers are available in the Rodino Center on a first-come, first-serve basis. To date, we have found these computers sufficient for use. Should a computer not be available for someone without adequate technology, a student can request to borrow a laptop from the IT collection or ask a staff member to free up a computer currently in use.
ILL, Electronic Materials
- The Rodino Center continues to process ILL requests and is particularly responsive to requests for materials in electronic format. As other libraries are able to share physical books, we will borrow items (and quarantine them appropriately). We encourage all patrons to provide specific page number information with their requests, as libraries may be more likely to scan/email limited numbers of pages rather than mail physical items. The Rodino Center is currently prioritizing the purchase of electronic materials for the collection rather than physical items.
Service for Immunocompromised Individuals
- Because the Rodino Center is integrated into the law school facility and is open at times when staff is not present, it is difficult to limit access hours. Individual requests for access can be sent to the executive director, Deborah Schander ([email protected]), and will be accommodated through private appointment.
Librarian Assistance
- In accordance with law school and University recommendations for meetings, reference assistance will be offered remotely. Patrons can schedule an appointment with a librarian by emailing [email protected]. Teams allows for two-way screen sharing and other video conferencing tools. Information about library services will be posted on the Rodino Center website and on each SHL Canvas page.
Computer Labs/Libraries
Computer Labs
Seton Hall University usually operates four general computing labs which are open to the University community. However, these laboratories will be closed during fall 2020 except for supervised activities connected to in-class instruction. Computing facilities can be closed without impact to student learning and access to technology since all Seton Hall undergraduates receive a laptop with the same software configuration used in the computer labs. When in use for selected activities, computing lab spaces will be modified to adhere to general capacity rules and the social distancing guidelines issued by the state. As in all shared indoor spaces, students, faculty, and staff will be required to wear masks in all computing labs at all times.
- Seton Hall will modify furniture or block off terminals to maintain adherence to social distancing requirements in computing labs.
- Where possible, the University will install plexiglass dividers between workstations to maintain capacity while in accordance with guidelines. Where this is not possible and students might therefore be within less than 6 feet of each other for long periods of time, the University will block off certain workstations.
- Students will be required to check out a keyboard and mouse when they enter the labs and the equipment will be sanitized between uses.
- Signage in all computing labs will direct individual users to disinfect the terminals before and after usage with equipment provided to use for cleaning;
- Individual computer labs will only be utilized if they are subject to modifications
that adhere to guidelines and compliance with guidelines is monitored.
- Labs that are unmonitored will remain closed.24
- Labs that cannot be appropriately modified for general use will instead only be scheduled for specific events;25 keyboards and mice will be sanitized before and after each use and social distancing guidelines and capacity rules will apply.
- Library labs will have a reduced density of workstations to ensure students and faculty are working at a safe distance in accordance with social distancing rules.26
- Department labs in the colleges that are used for specific instruction will remain open, only for scheduled classes that must use the specialized equipment/software in the labs.
Seton Hall Libraries
The Seton Hall University Libraries plan to safely re-open facilities using a phased opening process that aligns with state, local and federal guidelines and can be modified as guidance changes. A summary of the protocols for opening in Stage 3 appears below and is further detailed in Appendix B; more detailed plans for the Interprofessional Health Sciences-IHS Library and the Seton Hall Law School Library (Rodino Center) are included in Appendix B.
- Libraries will open, with modified hours. Each library will have limited areas for checking out materials.
- The libraries will work with the University to identify and provide service hours that accommodate the needs of immunocompromised or otherwise at higher-risk faculty, students, and staff.
- Libraries will implement and enforce social distancing, mask-wearing, and maximum occupancy policies for patrons, in accordance with state restrictions for all shared indoor spaces.
- Signage in the library will reinforce requirements for social distancing and health and safety precautions and protocols.
- The Libraries will adhere to health, safety, and sanitation guidelines in place for the University. Hand sanitizing stations will be available, and University staff will routinely clean tables and other surfaces in accordance with prescribed health and safety guideline.
- The Libraries will implement procedures to clean computers that search catalogs using the same sanitization methods University IT implements for computer labs.
- Library staff will encourage patrons to request physical materials online and pick them up at a scheduled time.
- Curbside pickup of materials will be available. Employees will have protective face coverings and gloves, and will place materials in a patron's vehicle whenever feasible.
- Materials returned to the libraries will be sanitized or quarantined, as appropriate.
- Library staff will provide remote/online assistance to all students, faculty, and staff. This will be done using chat software, e-mail and FAQ service(s), Microsoft Teams videoconferencing, and Canvas course shells. In addition, the library is aiming to provide a larger number of materials electronically, when possible.
- One-to-one in-person reference consultations can be provided in special circumstances, provided faculty and patron wear appropriate PPE and maintain appropriate social distance.
- No food will be allowed in the library. Covered drinks will be allowed.
- Group study rooms will be closed; social distancing of these spaces cannot be observed or enforced.
- Any other library spaces where social distancing cannot be observed or enforced will be closed.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What will be available for students at the Recreation Center? What about Intramurals, other large events on campus?
- What are the current dining options?
- Is the Rec Center open?
- Is the Library open?
What will be available for students at the Recreation Center? What about Intramurals, other large events on campus?
We are making plans now to prepare the Fitness Center for opening consistent with physical distancing requirements and frequent cleaning and disinfecting to be sure it is safe for students to use. For intramurals, open gym, or other large events on campus, the University will follow state guidelines and best practices in terms of capacity, size of gatherings, etc.
What are the current dining options?
From August 10- August 17, Pirate's Cove will be open for takeout only.
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Outdoor seating, mobile ordering, and “grab and go” options will highlight our dining model. Capacity in dining facilities will be reduced to allow for appropriate physical distancing and to follow state guidelines. Seton Hall has developed protocols for enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all facilities throughout campus.
The Recreation Center will remain closed until the State of N.J. moves to Stage 3 in its reopening plan.
The Walsh Library will be open at limited capacity determined by State guidance. Modifications have been made to ensure physical distancing.