Dr. Murzaku is Headed to the UN to Participate in Peace-Building Conference
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Dr. Ines Angeli Murzaku, Professor of Church History is invited to participate in a special conference entitled "Building Peace and Stability in Northeast Asia" to be convened at the United Nations on July 14, 2017 in New York City. The event is organized by the Universal Peace Federation, an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council which promotes interfaith understanding, sustainable development, mediation of conflict, women's empowerment etc. A high-level delegation of parliamentarians from Korea, Japan and the United States will be attending the conference at the United Nations. The parliamentarians are part of a larger fact-finding tour in the United States, which includes meetings in Washington D.C. with both government officials, international relations experts, diplomats and the Washington Times Foundation.
Ines Angeli Murzaku earned a doctorate from the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and has held visiting positions at the Universities of Bologna and Calabria in Italy and University of Münster in Germany. She has won grants including Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant (SSHRC); and Fulbright Senior Research Scholar.
Dr. Murzaku is currently writing a book entitled Mother Teresa, The Saint of the Peripheries who Became Catholicism's Center Piece to be published by Paulist Press in December 2018. Dr. Murzaku's research has been published in multiple articles and seven authored or co-authored books including: Life of St Neilos of Rossano (1004) (Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University Press 2017); Italo-Greek Monasticism from St Neilos to Bessarion (Ashagte 2017); Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics (Routledge 2016); Monastic Tradition in Eastern Christianity and the Outside World a Call for Dialogue (Peeters University of Leuven 2013); Returning Home to Rome? The Monks of Grottaferrata in Albania (Analekta Kryptopherres 2009); Quo Vadis Eastern Europe? Religion, State and Society after Communism (Longo University of Bologna 2009); and Catholicism, Culture and Conversion: The History of the Jesuits in Albania (1841-1946) (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Pontifical Oriental Institute 2006). Dr. Murzaku was the vice-president of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) and a United Nations accredited representative for the organization Christians Associated for Relationships with Eastern Europe. She is a regular commentator to media outlets on religious matters. She has worked for or collaborated with the Associated Press, CNN, Voice of America, Relevant Radio, The Catholic Thing, Crux – Taking the Catholic Pulse, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation (Canada), The Record, The Stream, The Catholic Register, Radio Tirana (Albania), Vatican Radio (Vatican City), and EWTN (Rome).