Caravaggio: A Radical Approach to the Truth
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Artist David López
The Department of Catholic Studies proudly presents the Ninth Annual Monsignor James Cafone Memorial Lecture: "Caravaggio: A Radical Approach to the Truth" by artist David Lopez Ribes, at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 in the Bishop Dougherty University Center Event Room.
About the Speaker
David López Ribes is a Spanish painter and multidisciplinary artist. He lives and
works in the New York area. López won the Pontifical Academies Prize in 2012, awarded
by Pope Benedict XVI, for his contribution to Christian Humanism in the contemporary
...the artist is a person who communicates something...the moment of creation is the moment of communication. It is when the work has passed from mind to mind that it becomes a work of art. — G.K. Chesterton
About the Event
Join us as David López invites the work of Caravaggio, Velazquez, and Vermeer into
dialogue with the thought and action of St. Charles Borromeo and Gutenberg, as well
as with the internet, Instagram, TikTok and the metaverse.
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, a Milanese painter, comes down to our days as a reference among Baroque painters, and as a reference, therefore, in the cultural response of the Counter-Reformation to the Protestant principles of Luther.
At this lecture, you will experience an approach to Caravaggio's work, the first to use the technique known as "tenebrism," through the perspective of the thoughts and experiences of a contemporary painter, David López Ribes, at the dawn of the third millennium.
This event is also co-sponsored by the G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture.
About the Department of Catholic Studies
Established in 2012, the Year of Faith and the 50th anniversary of the opening of
Vatican II, the Department of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University, America's
oldest diocesan university, fosters Seton Hall's Catholic identity and mission by
exploring the relationship of Catholicism with all areas of culture and learning.
Since its focus is the Church's encounter and dialogue with society or the Church
in the world, Vatican II designated a special place for Catholic Studies as a discipline
in academic life. As a result, Catholic Studies is a dialogue between Catholicism
and culture that occurs in a special way at Catholic universities. While respecting
other disciplines, Catholic Studies explores theology and philosophy in relation to
culture, humankind and the world. This methodological approach opens up a place for
all other disciplines; these enrich Catholic Studies and are enriched in return.
Categories: Campus Life, Faith and Service