Notable Alumni
From the 1860s, the alumni of Immaculate Conception Seminary, diocesan and religious
priests, have served the Church. The great majority labored close to the People of
God as pastors in the vineyards of parochial ministry. Their often unsung efforts
strengthened the faith of the doubting, comforted the poor, encouraged the immigrant,
and passed on the faith to future generations. They all are heroes of the faith.
Some priest alumni became scholars and professors, educating the young in high schools,
colleges, and seminaries. Others were called to work in the various administrative
offices of their dioceses and religious communities. There also were and are alumni
serving overseas, far from their native lands. When the nation went to war, the priest
alumni of the Seminary were among the first to volunteer as chaplains.
The priest alumni always have been a diverse group. In the early years of the Seminary
and today, we find both American-born alumni and alumni from many nations. In the
early days and into the middle of the 20
th century, men of Irish, German, Polish, and Italian birth and heritage predominated.
In recent years, significant numbers of alumni are of Latino, Asian, Filipino, Caribbean,
and African birth and heritage. All have brought honor to the Seminary.
From the 1970s, when the Seminary expanded its mission to form and educate lay leaders
and deacons, the alumni have included diocesan and parish administrators, teachers
and professors, authors, and leaders in religious education. The expanded mission
multiplies the length, breadth, and depth of the Seminary's goal of providing leadership
in the Church.