Monsignor Gerard McCarren Installed as Seminary's Rector
While more than 80 priests and four bishops looked on, Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin commended Monsignor McCarren, as the 23rd rector of Immaculate Conception Seminary.
As a House of Formation, the Seminary offers men preparing for the priesthood the personal, academic, ministerial and spiritual formation essential for their conversion to Jesus Christ and for their commitment to a life of service to the Church.
As a School of Theology, the Seminary provides: a theological and philosophical foundation for men and women pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies; a theological foundation and a pastoral and spiritual formation for men and women preparing for ministries among the people of God; a theological foundation for men and women desiring to pursue doctoral studies; and varied opportunities for continuing theological education.
While more than 80 priests and four bishops looked on, Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin commended Monsignor McCarren, as the 23rd rector of Immaculate Conception Seminary.
Seton Hall University has received a $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc, to help the School of Theology establish a five-year, Preaching as Hospitality formation program.
Listen to the faith journeys, personal stories and inspiring testimonies of ICSST's diverse student body of priests, religious brothers and sisters, seminarians, lay students and others.
Drawing on St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, this four-year project aims to educate, form and support the next generation of pastoral leaders. Take a look at the strategic projects completed and those in progress.
Meet three seminarians and follow along as they take us through their daily routines and share the moments of prayer, study and community that define their preparation for the priesthood.
Learn about the service and professional activities of the Seminary faculty and administration.
Can Do
Graduate student Emma Newgarden's research on Thomas Aquinas' seminal work led to publication in a leading scholarly journal.