Mehmet Alper Sahiner, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair
Department of Physics

A Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, Dr. M. Alper Sahiner received his Ph.D. in Physics from Rutgers University in 1995.  After completing his post-doctoral studies in Simon Fraser University he had worked at the Brookhaven National Laboratory as a beamline scientist between 1997-1999.  During 1999-2003 he had worked as a senior scientist at Evans Analytical Group,  which is a  distinguished worldwide network of surface characterization laboratories. 

After joining Seton Hall University in 2003, he developed the Advanced Materials Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory (AMSCL). His research interests are in the area of semiconductor materials. He is looking for solutions for the major materials-based problems of the semiconductor industry by developing new advanced materials. His research also focuses in developing high-efficiency solar cells as alternative solutions for the world's clean energy generation problem.

He has collaborated with scientist from  distinguished centers such as SEMATECH, NIST, CSIC (equivalent to NSF and NIH for Spain).  Most recently, he has been collaborating with researchers at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and NIST, on newly discovered Hafnium based ferroelectric memory devices for the next generation of computers. This collaboration involves x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments in National Synchrotron Light Source II of Brookhaven National Laboratory. 

Dr. Sahiner has authored 49 scientific articles, made 140 presentations (10 plenary or invited talks), a book chapter, and brought Seton Hall University over $1,500,000 extramural funding to SHU during his tenure. He is on the Editorial Board of Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier) and the Managing Guest Editor of the Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier).  He has been awarded Fulbright Distinguished Scholarship in 2023-24 Academic Year.