Brownson Speech and Debate Team
Seton Hall University's Forensics Brownson Speech and Debate Team is known for its tradition of rhetorical excellence, stemming back over 75 years. The team travels across the United States to compete in a wide variety of speaking events. While forensics typically refers to investigation, the term uniquely applies to the team's ability to dissect language and craft messages to perform on stage.
Students compete under four main categories: Limited Preparation, Public Address, Oral Interpretation of Literature and Parliamentary Debate. Students who compete in Limited Preparation perform Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking. Students who compete in Public Address perform After Dinner Speaking, Persuasive Speaking, Informative Speaking and Communication Analysis. Students interested in Oral Interpretation compete in Prose, Poetry, Program Oral Interpretation, Dramatic Dup and Single Interpretation of Drama. Students interested in Parliamentary Debate compete in groups of two, arguing either in favor of or opposed to a position and resolution.
The team travels across the nation during competition season (October through April). On the East Coast, most regularly scheduled tournaments are held between Massachusetts and Virginia and as far west as Pennsylvania. The team is directed by Associate Professor of Communication, Catherine Zizik.
Mission Statement
The Brownson Speech Team fully supports Seton Hall University's mission to foster academic and ethical development of students and to prepare them to become leaders in their professional and community lives. The team flourishes as a competitive, academic, co-curricular activity dedicated to the advancement of logic, argumentative skills, advocacy, creativity, rhetorical excellence and performance artistry through undergraduate intercollegiate forensics. This enriching activity spans the growth of leadership, determination, hard work and effective communication. Further, this activity increases students' awareness and critical evaluation of current political, social, economic and cultural issues.
Highlights and Achievements
- Team finished the 2018-19 season with approximately 300 awards.
- Students ranked first overall in speech in the National Christian College Forensic Association National Tournament (March 2018).
- Co-captains, Jocelyn Rogalo and Jonathan Thow, each took home 15 first-place awards.
- There were 10 students on the 2018-19 team.
Message from the teams Director of Forensics, Associate Professor Catherine Zizik
These are the reasons why our Brownson students across all colleges and staff are so dedicated to this amazing intercollegiate speech and debate activity. I am the prod director of the Brownson Speech and Debate Team. With over a 50-year history in policy debate, I founded the individual events team in 1985. Our small, but mighty team has earned over 11,000 awards since that time and our students continue to perform with grace and dignity in many different styles of competitive speech. These events include the performance of literature, platform public addresses, limited preparation current-event type speeches and debate.
In a time when student advocacy is needed more than ever, and our words and actions change behaviors, this team serves as an extension of the classroom and cultivates articulate civic leaders. Our expert coaches help students to craft inspiring, thoughtful and relevant messages. Beyond the hundreds of awards earned each year, our students learn priceless skills that employers seek in any future hiring decision. Our students are equipped to take on the challenges of conflict and forge ahead with compassion and confidence. Let me know if you too want to learn more about our Pirate Speakers by contacting me at [email protected].
Interested in Becoming a Team Member?
The team is open to all full-time undergraduate students. All members must audition. The team additionally recruits high school students with a background in forensics. Most members receive a partial scholarship for active membership. If you would like to set up an audition, please contact the team's director, Professor Catherine Zizik at [email protected].
Coaches' Corner
Sam Hopkins, Head Coach
Sam's Philosophy: "As a coach, I'm first and foremost an educator. I seek to teach students the skills of communication and oral interpretation, and hope to empower them to use their own voices to amplify messages they find important."
Student Testimonials
"Brownson is where I am intellectually and artistically fulfilled. Choosing to join
this team was a move that took me outside of my comfort zone and let me explore the
world around me."
Jocelyn Rogalo '19, co-captain, from New Jersey
"Brownson has taught me the power of oration and the rhetorical responsibility of
communicating to an audience. Through my experiences on this team I have found the
power in my voice and the magic of a narrative. This team is composed of passionate
advocates and as a nursing student, I thrive in a community unabashed by empathy and
Jonathan Thow '19, co-captain, from Vermont
"I decided to join the Brownson Speech and Debate team because it allows me to continue
in an activity that has shaped me into the well-spoken advocate that I am today. Speech
and debate is my home away from home, and the members are the siblings I have always
wanted. I feel nothing but love and support within this organization, and I am truly
thankful for the memories I have made."
Tehyah Carver '21, from Tennessee
"I chose to join the Brownson Speech and Debate team because it allowed me to continue
to develop skills I had already begun in high school. The team has given me the chance
to continue to enjoy the thrill of competition I had in Forensics and Future Business
Leaders of America."
Jordan Shepherd '21, from Wisconsin
"Brownson is a place where I am able to not only express myself, but discover who
I am as well. It is an outlet to expose myself to countless areas of interests. I
am able to direct my passion toward a cause that needs a voice. It is truly an honor
to speak on behalf of an author or an entire movement, and I thank Brownson for giving
me the opportunity to do so."
Brian Sumereau, '21 from New Jersey