Winter Writing Retreat
This retreat will take place on Tuesday, January 7 and Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Chancellor’s Suite, of the University Center. It will provide participants with the time and quiet space to work on writing project(s).
Application Due Date: Monday, December 9, 2019
About the Retreat
Each day we will work until lunchtime and then break to eat and socialize. We will then return to work until 3 p.m. (Unlike the summer retreat, there will be no final report or stipend for the winter retreat.)
Beverages and snacks will be available throughout the day; lunch will also be provided.
Since disturbances caused by coming and going can be distracting, participants are expected to remain for the full duration of the retreat. This includes arriving on time, remaining for lunch, and staying until 3 p.m. each day.
During the retreat, all participants will be expected to refrain from emailing and
keep cell phones turned off.
At this, time, participation is limited to full-time faculty.
Please complete the application form below and return it to Mary Balkun by Monday, December 9, 2019.