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Office of Grants and Research Services

Workshop Descriptions

Grants Compliance
Principal Investigators can and will be held accountable for federal grants compliance. This workshop will focus on providing guidance to faculty who as Principal Investigators are responsible for the proper management of their projects.  It will aim at answering questions of accountability and ethics in research, an area now commonly referred to as the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR).  Topics to be discussed include: institutional policies and procedures, special risk areas, human subjects, government requirements concerning how you spend your budget, and other sponsor expectations in the conduct of sponsored programs.

What You Need to Know about Grant Funded International Collaborations
The University's new Strategic Plan fosters internationalization at Seton Hall. With new programs, partnerships, and study aboard being proposed, it is only a given that we should pursue external grants to fund these initiatives. However, federal monies come with requirements and regulations.  So what do we need to know as we move forward with internationalizing our research and teaching? All faculty and administrators interested in pursuing funding for international research, international partnerships or any other international collaboration are encouraged to attend this vital workshop.  Topics to be discussed include: the instruments needed for international collaborations, how guidelines differ in the United States versus foreign countries, the possible conflicts with monies exchanges and how these must be taken into consideration when MOU or contracts are issued.  Information on the Fulbright Scholar Program and other federally funded international programs will be discussed.

10 Tips to Develop Winning Proposals
It is a well-known fact that a good idea alone won't get you a grant.  What grantwriting skills can you develop and how can you best channel your grantseeking efforts so that your proposal is the one selected for funding? This workshop will offer proven, sound advice to help you develop winning proposals. Topics to be discussed include: the barriers one faces in writing proposals, how to match your project with an agency's mission, and what fatal flaws must all grantseekers avoid.  If you are a faculty or administrator, who strives to enhance your grantsmanship skills and submit knockout proposals, you are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop.

Internal and External Grant Opportunities (New Faculty Workshop)
This workshop will cover the many opportunities available for internal and external funding.  It will introduce new faculty to the pre- and post-award services available at Seton Hall.  It will give participants insight on how to identify funding opportunities offered by Federal, State and private funding agencies. This workshop is designed for new faculty and it will provide them with tips on developing successful proposals.
Basics of Proposal Writing I
This workshop will cover topics such as how to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP); the essential elements of a proposal, the differences between Federal, State, foundation, and corporate grants; how to use charts and images to enhance the document; and how to avoid common pitfalls in grant-writing. Although the workshop is designed for newer faculty and those less experienced in writing proposals, all faculty and administrators interested in grant opportunities and in developing their proposal writing skills are welcome.

Intermediate Proposal Writing
This workshop will provide an opportunity for hands-on experience with grant-writing. The participants will review the various sections of a grant proposal, and will participate in activities that will help them gain a better understanding of how to write winning proposals. This workshop will be an intensive overview of the narrative portion of a proposal from the perspective of the reviewer. Areas covered will include: approaching a sponsor, components of a proposal, matching the narrative to the sponsor's guidelines, writing style and common errors to avoid.

The Great Proposal - EXTREME MAKEOVER
Successful grant-writing involves advance planning and preparation. This workshop will provide insight on coordinating, planning, researching, organizing, writing and packaging the proposal.  Preparation is vital to the grant-writing process. Solid planning and research will simplify the writing stage. All faculty and administrators interested in obtaining the skills necessary for a well-written proposal should attend this workshop.

Basics of Grant Budgeting
Your proposal budget is the fiscal representation of your project. A well-prepared budget can instill your sponsor with confidence. This workshop will address how to develop a budget that meets the needs of your proposed project, while at the same time conform to the requirements of the sponsor and the university. Topics will include: cost-sharing, salaries, fringe benefits, sub-contracting with collaborators, how to determine direct and indirect costs, and post-award accounting procedures.

Electronic Databases for Grants and Fellowships
This workshop will give the participant a hands-on introduction to searchable electronic databases, such as the Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) and It will also cover some of the Federal and commercial funding alert systems that are available. Each participant at this workshop will set up profiles on some of the systems and will thereafter receive regular e-mail updates when funding opportunities become available.

Grants.Gov Update
This workshop will give the participants a hands-on introduction to "Grants.Gov Apply" process featuring PureEdge and Adobe 7.0.9.  Faculty who are interested in applying for federal grants are encourage to learn more about how to use Grants.Gov Apply and new submissions requirements, effective January 2008. 

Grant Contracts: Legal Terms and Risks
This workshop will focus on how to develop a grant or contract that conforms to the requirements of the sponsor and the university. Topics will include: best practices in complying with grant conditions and regulations, how to track grant spending to ensure proper financial reports and how to understand liability waivers.  

How to Influence the NEH & Win a Summer Stipend: A Faculty Workshop
Seton Hall's own James J. Kimble, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, will offer a faculty workshop on the Summer Stipend awards program sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities:

  • learn how the program and competition works
  • find out what proposals look like from a panel reviewer's perspective
  • discuss successful stipend proposals from previous years
  • explore useful strategies for your proposal
  • examine common proposal blunders that you can avoid

NSF FastLane Demo
FastLane is an interactive real-time system used to conduct the National Science Foundation's business over the Internet. Not only does NSF require that all proposals be submitted on FastLane, but FastLane offers many other features to assist faculty who are searching for funding in STEM areas. Representatives from NSF's Project Management Office (PMO) will come to the Seton Hall campus from NSF offices in Washington, DC to conduct this workshop. This workshop will walk participants through some of the features of FastLane. This is a hands-on, interactive workshop.