Reflecting on Dignity of Human Beings
Reverend Monsignor Thomas G. Guarino, S.T.D., ICSST Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology shared his insights on Vatican II and Dignitas Infinita with the international media.
Promote theological engagement with the natural sciences and medicine and probe the relationship between faith and reason.
In Ethics, Spirituality, and Science, centers for ethics, interfaith dialogue, and institutes of religious studies and communication promote theological engagement with the natural sciences and medicine and probe the relationship between faith and reason. This area brings together work at Seton Hall Law School, at the School of Theology, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Health and Medical Sciences, and the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media.
Reverend Monsignor Thomas G. Guarino, S.T.D., ICSST Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology shared his insights on Vatican II and Dignitas Infinita with the international media.
Over 20 K-12 Catholic school educators joined the Center for Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University for its annual Science and Faith Professional Development Day.
Seton Hall University’s MPA students, led by Gabrielle Rossi, Ph.D., recently volunteered at Montclair Emergency Services for Hope (MESH), providing winter clothing and essentials to the community.
Members of the Seton Hall community and beyond gathered for a mass and ceremony to formally welcome Monsignor Joseph R. Reilly as the 22nd president of Seton Hall University.
Seton Hall received a trove of Seton family papers from the Sisters of Charity of New York, and the donation provides a new glimpse into the life of Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Assistant Professor Lucy Lin studies the future of data science and mathematical modeling at Seton Hall as a Clare Boothe Luce STEM hire.
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