18th Annual Northern New Jersey Working Together Conference - NJWT 2021
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
The Working Together program continues to promote the positive ongoing relationship between the tax practitioner community and the Internal Revenue Service. The annual meeting is open to both IRS employees and the practitioner community. The intent is to engage in ongoing, meaningful dialogue aimed at improving our dealings with one another, thereby improving service to our common customer the taxpayer public.
Take advantage of the $150 Early Bird Registration and register by or before January 5, 2021! Don't miss out on the discounted rate and register today! (The rate for registrations after January 5, 2021 is $165).
Topics Include:
Day 1
- Payroll Protection Program from the SBA and a practitioner.
- An update by the local Taxpayer Advocate.
- Bankruptcy & COVID-19 from IRS and a practitioner.
- Cybersecurity presentation by LMG Security, a leading company in the field.
Day 2
- Scams & Identity Theft by IRS Criminal Investigations and an attorney from the Federal Trade Commission.
- The Taxpayer Bill of Rights by Stakeholder Liaison and then a panel presentation on Hot Topics/IRS Updates that includes Recovery Rebate Credit, expanded IPPIN, digital signatures, forms, QBID 199A, tax transcripts and late breaking IRS guidance.
The online seminar begins at 8:00 am and ends at 12 noon each day; breaks will be included during the program.
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