New Director named for the Center for Catholic Studies
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Dr. Patrick Manning will be assuming his new duties as Director of the Center for Catholic Studies at Seton Hall
The Center for Catholic Studies is pleased to welcome Dr. Patrick Manning as its new Director, succeeding Dr. Gregory Floyd, who has worked with the Center since 2016 and served as Director since 2020. Dr. Manning is Associate Professor and Chair of Pastoral Theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology.
For over a quarter-century, the Center for Catholic Studies has sought to be a leaven in the life of the university supporting Faculty Formation, student life, as well as outreach to the the local Church and community. Dr. Manning brings to his new role an extensive interdisciplinary background in Liberal Studies, Education, and Theology. In his scholarship he works across the fields of theology, religious studies, education, sociology, and psychology. His recent book, Converting the Imagination: Teaching to Recover Jesus' Vision for Fullness of Life (2020) offers a probing analysis of the contemporary crisis of meaning and considers the resources of the Catholic and Christian tradition for meaningful education and living. It was selected for publication in the Religious Education Association's Horizons in Religious Education series and is currently taught in the country's top programs in religious education. Dr. Manning develops what he calls “a pedagogy of invitation,” which presents disciplines in a contemplative and imaginative way in order to facilitate a deeper engagement within learning.
Pat has been affiliated with the Center for Catholic since his faculty appointment in 2016 participating in and facilitating various programs and retreats as well as serving on the Center’s advisory board. Additionally, he has served the university as part of strategic planning committees, on the faculty senate, in various faculty development initiatives, and as a professor in the University CORE.
Upon hearing of Dr. Manning’s appointment, Dr. Nancy Enright, director of the University CORE offered her welcome to Pat and remarked,
“I have worked with Pat Manning for many years, and he is a wonderful colleague, deeply dedicated to the Catholic intellectual tradition, mission, inter-faith dialogue, and collaboration among disciplines. He will be a wonderful leader for the Catholic Studies Center, and I, with the Core, look forward to working together closely with him.”
Dr. Manning’s ongoing relationship with the Center and service to the University will allow for a smooth transition and informed leadership moving forward. When asked about the appointment, he had this to say.
"I am very excited to step into this role at this particular moment in the University's history when the Catholic mission is being prioritized. Everyone stands to gain from highlighting the Catholic intellectual tradition, which contains an abundance of resources to help us as we confront the challenges and opportunities of our time. It is an honor to take up the mantel from my outstanding predecessors, Msgr. Richard Liddy and Dr. Gregory Floyd, who have served the Center and our University so well."
Commenting on Dr. Manning’s appointment, Dr. Floyd noted that,
“Pat brings to this position a rich interdisciplinary background, clearly demonstrated scholarly and pedagogical success, and, most importantly, a heart for Seton Hall, its Catholic mission, and its people. We would be hard-pressed to find a more qualified candidate to continue and advance the Center’s mission of ongoing and creative collaboration across the university. We are thrilled at the news of his appointment!”

Dr. Gregory Floyd has stepped down as the Director of the Center for Catholic Studies, and will be teaching Philosophy at Boston College
Dr. Floyd has been affiliated with the Center since coming to Seton Hall in 2016. He has served as director of the Center’s Lonergan Institute since 2018 and as Center Director since 2020, where he helped the Center transition after the retirement of the founding Director , Msgr. Richard Liddy. Dr. Floyd effectively navigated the uncertainties of the COVID pandemic, allowing the Center’s programs to continue and flourish. Particularly notable were the Faith and Racial Justice Symposium drawing over 400 members of our campus community together, the inaugural Humanities Colloquium, and Dr. Floyd’s work to secure a major multi-year grant to support new initiatives in recent years, among them the Praxis Program, a National Consortium of Catholic Studies Center and Programs, the Agape Latter program, Science and Religion series, and Faith and Work series. A CORE Fellow who also taught in Honors, Philosophy, and Religious Studies, he also co-chaired the University’s committee on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, served on numerous committees, and fulfilled many other commitments to fostered creative collaboration in the service of living, sharing, and deepening Catholic Identity. Greg continued the Center’s rich tradition of fostering dialogue in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.
While it is bittersweet to announce that Greg will be assuming a new role as a professor in the Department of Philosophy at Boston College, we are confident that Dr. Manning will not only continue the robust programming for which the Center has come to be known but enhance it with his own gifts. Although he is on sabbatical leave from teaching for the 2023-24 academic year to work on a book on contemplative education, he has agreed to assume the director role immediately to ensure a peaceful and effective transition.
The Center falls under the auspices of the Office of the Provost and is charged with integrating Seton Hall’s Catholic mission and identity by serving students, forming faculty, and cultivating community. Msgr. Joseph Reilly, PhD, newly appointed Vice-Provost for Academics and Catholic Identity noted,
“I am very excited to be collaborating with Dr. Manning as the new Director of the Center for Catholic Studies. Over the years, I have known him to be someone whose deep faith and keen intellect permeate all his efforts, both in and outside the classroom. I am confident that his familiarity with the great work of the Center, in addition to his lively creativity, will continue the legacy of Monsignor Liddy and Dr. Gregory Floyd.”
Please join us in welcoming Pat and congratulating him on his new role. We are confident that good things lie ahead for the Center of Catholic Studies as we begin our next 25 years living, sharing, and deepening Catholic Identity.
Categories: Faith and Service