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Department of Information Technology

Managed Print Program - Seton Hall University

The University is actively engaged in a program to reduce administrative expenses, while maintaining or improving services to the University community. Executive Cabinet has identified and approved an opportunity to cut costs and improve services by implementing a managed print program, called BluePrint. Originally piloted at the Interprofessional Health Sciences campus for the last two years, BluePrint is now available on the South Orange campus. In addition to the environmental benefits and reduction of waste, BluePrint is estimated to save the University $500,000 over the next five years.

The BluePrint program includes the initial purchase, replacement, management, support, and funding of the University’s printer fleet. This includes all legacy devices previously purchased with University funds as well as newly leased devices. The Department of Information Technology will be responsible for the procurement, delivery and installation of new print systems, and for the orderly removal and secure disposal of replaced printers.

BluePrint ensures that departments have reliable, secure, up-to-date, and supported printing, copying and scanning resources while also ensuring the University is providing this service in a sustainable and cost-efficient manner.

The Policy

  • Printer acquisitions will be centrally funded by the University and administered by the Department of Information Technology.
  • All printers must be acquired from the University’s preferred vendor and each printer will be leased and under warranty for five years.
  • All print devices will be networked and the use of locally-connected, desktop printers will not be permitted.
  • Secure release, via a campus ID card, will be required for all printers.
  • All printers will be centrally managed and supported by the Department of Information Technology with support from the University’s printing vendor.
  • Each department will be electronically billed monthly for its print usage.
  • End of life devices will be securely disposed of and replaced based on prior year’s printing usage.

Benefits and Features

  • Faculty and employees will be able to “print anywhere” and release their print job on any device around the campus.
  • Predictable replacement of print devices and the ability to schedule deployments throughout the fiscal year.
  • Adoption of standard printer configurations which will reduce support costs and improve service response times.
  • A five-year warranty for all printers, which covers support and service.
  • Enhanced security features with the requirement of Pharos Secure Release printing.
  • An environmentally sustainable approach to print management, through the deployment of more energy efficient devices, and the reduction of consumable supplies.
  • Reduction of the waste and cost associated with unused supplies through the automated delivery and replenishment of toner and maintenance kits to each department when designated thresholds are reached.
  • Elimination of desktop printers replaced by shared printers having enhanced features and a lower per-page cost.

The full policy is available online:

The Department of Information Technology will be contacting departments over the remainder of the academic year to plan each department's transition to BluePrint.

Categories: Science and Technology

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