MHA Completion Rates and Employment Settings
MHA Completion Rates 2009 - 2020
AY 2009-2010 • N=35 (94%)
AY 2010-2011 • N=31 (100%)
AY 2011-2012 • N=37 (96%)
AY 2012-2013 • N=49 (98%)
AY 2013-2014 • N=62 (99%)
AY 2014-2015 • N=51 (Anecdotal Evidence Only for this Year)
AY 2015-2016 • N=37 (94%)
AY 2016-2017 • N=51 (89%)
AY 2017-2018 • N=50 (86%)
AY 2018-2019 • N=53 (96%)
AY 2019-2020 • N=41 (97%)
Time to Placement: MHA students generally receive employment offers within 3 months of graduation. Data includes part-time students who gained full-time positions.
MHA Percent (%) of Students Employed Within Three(3) Months of Graduation
AY 2012-2013 (100%)
AY 2013-2014 (96%)
AY 2014-2015 (Anecdotal Evidence Only for this Year)
AY 2015-2016 (87%)
AY 2016-2017 (100%)
AY 2017-2018 (100%)
AY 2018-2019 (90%)
AY 2019-2020 (93%)
Time to Placement: MHA students generally receive employment offers within 3 months of graduation. Data includes part-time students who gained full-time positions.
MHA Graduate Employment Settings 2019-2020
Employment/Employment Setting (# Graduates 2019-2020 AY*)
Postgraduate Fellowship (2)
Pursing further education (2)
International Students (returned home without seeking U.S. employment (1)
U.S. professional positions:
- Hospital or Health System (23)
- Physician Practice (6)
- Foundation or Voluntary Agency (1)
- Insurance/HMO (1)
- Consulting (3)
- Bio-tech/Medical Device/Pharmaceutical Company (4)
Employed outside the healthcare sector (2)
Unknown (3)
Total (46)