God, Angels, and Electromagnetic Radiation


Life Among the Invisible
Thursday, April 27, 2023
The Beck Rooms, Walsh Library 3:30PM 


In the minds of believers, reality is full, made of both the material world we interact with through our senses and the spiritual realm we engage with our souls. Chemist and theologian, Dr. Stacy Trasancos, will tell stories of the awe and wonder modern science offers the human mind, of the ways that our knowledge of the atomic realm can bring us close to God when we study His handiwork. All we have learned and have yet to learn is magnificent evidence of the faithfulness of a loving and personal Creator.

Sponsored by the Seton Hall Society of Catholic Scientists in collaboration with the Department of Catholic Studies, the Center for Catholic Studies, the Department of the Core Curriculum, Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, and Campus Ministry.

This event is supported in part by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.