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Stillman School of Business

N.J. Collegiate Business Administration Honor Society

At its Fall 2003 Meeting at Middlesex County College, the New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association (NJCBAA) established a statewide honor society for students studying business at both the two and four year colleges in New Jersey. The idea for establishing a society was proposed by the Dean of the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University, Karen Boroff. Working on the Subcommittee to form the Society was Dean Karen Boroff, Dean Fred Champlin of Ramapo College, Dr. Nate Himmelstein of Essex County College, Dr. Rob Quade of Centenary College, and Dean Edward Schoen at Rowan University. Each year, the top 1% of undergraduate students pursuing degrees in business will be extended an invitation to join this most prestigious honor society. The NJCBAA members are proud to be able to recognize the outstanding academic achievements of our young business professionals.

About the Honor Society

Section 1: Overview.

  1. In order to recognize the very highest scholastic achievements of undergraduate students who are studying business at two- and four-year colleges in New Jersey, the two- and four-year colleges of business establish the New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association Honor Society, or the NJCBAA Honor Society ("Honor Society").

  2. While this is a statewide Honor Society, its headquarters shall initially be the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University. Throughout the first two years of the Society, the Dean of the Stillman School of Business will serve as Interim Adviser and Chair for the Honor Society. During this interim period, the member schools will decide how best to organize the structure for the Honor Society.

Section 2: Eligibility Rules for Students Invited into the Honor Society.

  1. Admission into the NJCBAA Honor Society is open to all students who are pursuing a bachelor's or associate's degree in business administration (e.g., management or business administration) or a traditional business discipline (e.g., accounting, finance or marketing).

  2. In order to be considered for admission into this Society, students must have completed a minimum of 35% of their coursework at the degree-granting institution (the "35% criterion").

  3. Students are eligible for admission into the Honor Society as follows: Students pursuing either a two-year or four-year degree must be in good standing and have satisfactorily completed at least 70% of their degree requirements as of January 1st of the given induction year.

  4. All students who, by their grade point average, are in the top 1% of the total population of business students at their institution who have satisfactorily completed at least 70% of their degree requirements by January 1st of the induction year, and who meet the 35% criterion will be invited to join the NJCBAA Honor Society.

  5. Students who are pursuing their degree on a part-time basis are eligible to be inducted into this Honor Society as long as they meet all the other eligibility requirements for invitation into the Society.

  6. Transfer students are eligible to be inducted into this Honor Society as long as they meet all the other eligibility requirements for invitation into the Society.

Section 3: The Process for Invitation.

  1. At the conclusion of the fall semester (or its equivalent), and once grades for that semester have been compiled, each member school will create a roster of all business students who have satisfactorily completed at least 70% of their degree requirements as of January 1st of the induction year. This roster will include all business students who are at least at the 70% completion range, including those who have completed less than 35% of their studies at the home institution. Then, the top 1% of all students of all students who have both satisfactorily completed at least 70% of their degree requirements and satisfied the 35% criterion will be drawn. If there are ties for the cut-off GPA in the 1% population of a School, then all those eligible students at the GPA cut-off level would be invited to join. In the event that a school has fewer than 100 students in its relevant population, it would still be able to extend an invitation to 1 student.

  2. The 1% population will receive a letter of invitation signed by both the Dean or Department Chair of the member school inviting that student to join the NJCBAA Honor Society and to attend the induction ceremony. In addition, students will be asked for a $15.00 fee, which will help underwrite the expenses associated with the certificate, pin, and honor cord.

  3. The induction ceremony will take place sometime in the March/April time period at a central location within the state, so that all students and their families can attend the event.

  4. The Adviser will be responsible for alerting member schools of the induction period and providing sample invitation letters. The Adviser will organize the induction dinner and other logistics for the evening.

  5. Schools are required to maintain the rosters described in Section 3(a) for one year after the invitations are sent out.

Section 4: Miscellaneous.

  1. The NJCBAA Honor Society will seek corporate sponsors who will help underwrite the cost associated with the induction ceremony and other expenses for the Society.

  2. The NJCBAA will establish an Advisory Board of member schools that will provide counsel to the member schools on changes, as appropriate, to the Society.

  3. NJCBAA thanks the Honor Society subcommittee who helped develop this Society: Dean Karen Boroff (Seton Hall University), Dean Fred Champlin (Ramapo College), Dr. Nate Himelstein (Essex County College), Dr. Rob Quade (Centenary College), and Dean Edward Schoen (Rowan University).

Approved: October 24, 2003 at the Fall NJCBAA meeting, hosted by Middlesex County College.

For additional information, please contact Dean Joyce Strawser.