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Stillman School of Business

Stillman Finance Research Seminar

The Stillman Finance Research Seminar is an informal forum for Finance faculty to present their ongoing academic research projects and discuss potential research topics. The following is the Spring 2010 seminar schedule:

Spring 2010 Stillman finance Research Seminar Schedule
Research Seminar: Friday 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Followed by Lunch at Faculty Club 12:20 - 1:30 p.m.
Date No. Presenter(s) Paper
12-Feb 1 Tony Loviscek; Eleanor Xu Hedge Fund Attrition, Survivorship Bias, and Performance: Perspectives from the Global Financial Crisis
19-Feb 2 Gady Jacoby Yield Spreads and Real Interest Rates
3-Mar 3 Tao Chen Monetary Policy during the Global Financial Crisis - Comparison between China and the U.S.
19-Mar 4 Jennifer Itzkowitz Cash Holdings and the Characteristics of Suppliers
26-Mar 5 Hongfei Tang CEO Stock Option Grants around the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Evidence from Family firms
9-Apr 6 Gemma Lee CEO Pension and Deferred Compensation
23-Apr 7 Yeomin Yoon Ethics to Insider Trading: A Corporate Governance Issue
30-Apr 8 Jurt Rotthoff A Measure of Stock Analysis Efficiency Using Tournament Structure



Seminar Contact: Dr. Eleanor Xu, [email protected], (973) 761-9209