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Department of Information Technology

TLTR Kickoff Sets Focus on Educational Innovation

TLTR members gather in Walsh Library Beck rooms to kick-off 2024 agendaOn March 20, Seton Hall University's Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) hosted its annual kick-off event to launch its three vital committees: Artificial Intelligence, Online Learning, and Emerging Trends in Ed. Tech. Over 30 attendees, including faculty members, administrators, staff, and students, gathered with a shared vision: to assist the University in navigating emerging technology issues and trends, and to shape both short-term and long-term technology goals aligned with the University’s strategic priorities.

At the start of the event, TLTR Co-Chairs Paul Fisher and Renee Robinson, Ph.D., provided insights into the TLTR's history and its overall mission, as directed by the Provost. Following this, the Co-Chairs of each subcommittee introduced themselves and outlined the goals of their respective working groups. Before moving into further committee discussions and planning sessions, two faculty members demonstrated their innovative approaches to enhancing teaching and learning through emerging technologies. 

Leslie Rippon, Ph.D., assistant professor in the School of Health and Medical Sciences, showcased her collaboration with VictoryXR in developing an emergency preparedness simulation tailored for the first-year Interprofessional Education curriculum. This mixed-reality scenario immerses students in a team-based response to a mass disaster, reinforcing clinical protocols and improving interprofessional communication and decision-making skills.

Similarly, Wyatt Murphy, Ph.D., professor in the College of Arts and Sciences and 2024 Faculty Innovation Grant recipient, demonstrated how students in the General Chemistry Laboratory are utilizing ChatGPT to augment and enhance learning. These pioneering efforts exemplify the TLTR’s commitment to leveraging technology to design innovative educational experiences and promote student success. 

All members of the Seton Hall University community are encouraged to stay engaged and participate in TLTR-sponsored events and initiatives. These events provide invaluable opportunities to learn, collaborate, and innovate to further advance the University’s digital transformation. Whether interested in exploring the latest trends in artificial intelligence, online learning, or emerging educational technologies, the TLTR provides a forum for meaningful discussions about the transformative potential of technology in higher education.

About the Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable

Established in 1995, the TLTR is composed of representatives from academic and administrative areas of the University. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Department of Information Technology, the TLTR is a consortium of faculty, administrators and students who, on behalf of the University, meet and discuss issues and topics related to instructional technology. The Roundtable is comprised of action teams (committees) which meet regularly to discuss institutional issues related to teaching, learning, and technology. The 2023 – 2024 committees include:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Committee

Chairs: Ruchin Kansal, Jessica Rauchberg
Research AI’s effects on higher education, aid policy development, curate integration best practices, and explore AI’s implications for the future workplace.

Emerging Trends in Tech Committee

Chairs: Christine Lhowe, Renee Cicchino
Create a vision for technology usage in teaching and learning to promote high quality and innovative education, while preparing the University for future opportunities and challenges.

Online Learning Committee

Chair: Mary Ellen Roberts
Research and recommend policies and processes to ensure online courses are reviewed in a timely manner and in compliance with University policy.

Categories: Science and Technology